Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,10

CeeCee suspiciously. “You’re not going to give me to a Coletti warrior?”

“Nope.” She placed a hand on her heart. “On my word of honor. You’ll never be a Coletti breeder.”

Jesse huffed in amusement.

“The Coletti never keep their word,” Loki announced.

I shoved him out of my head. “You’re not telling me the truth.”

“I’ll make a deal with you. If you’re honest with me, I’ll be honest with you,” CeeCee countered.

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t trust you.”

“Right back at ya.”

“Are you refusing to look for Adam?” I asked indignantly.

“I didn’t say that. We will stop Giovanni and free all his prisoners,” CeeCee replied.

“What is expected of me?”

Before CeeCee could answer, two men in Coletti battle armor teleported into the chamber with their weapons drawn.

“Good hunting Father?” CeeCee asked.

“Very.” The helmet retracted revealing a silver-haired Navajo man in his seventies. He examined CeeCee’s blood covered form and raised an eyebrow at Jesse’s nudity.

CeeCee gave him a reassuring smile. “Not my blood and his bear came out to play.”

“Why is the old guy naked?” the other warrior inquired.

Dio mio, the young one was very handsome. For a Coletti that is.

The image of a snake-like penis with tentacles formed in my mind. “Do you find tentacles attractive? Do you wish to have sex with that? Loki inquired blandly.

Holy Mother Mary of God. The thing was huge and creepy! “No! Not at all.” I threw Loki out of my mind again and focused my attention on CeeCee.

“When Uncle Jesse turns into a bear, his clothing goes away.”

The warrior’s gaze shot to Jesse. “You can turn into a bear?”

“I have many talents,” Jesse boasted.

CeeCee’s father pulled a black belt from a pocket and handed it to Jesse. “Cover yourself.”

Jesse examined the belt. “What kind of belt is this?”

“Askole armor belt,” CeeCee’s father replied.

“How does it work?”

“Let me show you.” Her father fastened it around Jesse’s waist, and with one tap black armor covered CeeCee’s uncle from head-to-toe.

How awesome. I gingerly touched Jesse’s back. “I’ve heard this armor restricts your movements.”

Jesse gyrated wildly.

I suppressed a giggle. “Guess not.”

The younger warrior watched him for a moment. “Is he having a seizure?”

“No, he’s dancing.” CeeCee cringed when Jesse performed a crotch thrust.

“I know of a good nursing home you could put him in.”

CeeCee smacked the warrior in the stomach. “He might be a bit nuts, but never forget, he’s family.”

“The Jones family is full of crazy. He’ll fit right in, but can you get him to stop dancing.”

CeeCee and her father exchanged grins “There’s no stopping him,” they said at the same time.

“I could stun him.”

CeeCee glared at the warrior.

He held up his hands. “Just saying.”

Avarice filled my soul and I asked casually, “Any chance of me getting a belt? I mean, they are shooting at me too.”

“Maybe,” CeeCee hedged.

The younger warrior commanded, “Introduce us.”

“Jia, this is my mate, Jake Jones and my father, Samuel Tsosie.”

“My condolences for the loss of your humanity,” I said politely.

CeeCee groaned.

“I have lost nothing but gained a great deal. You would do well to remember your manners, child,” Samuel Tsosie replied, and a small bolt of lightning zapped me in the ass.

I yelped.

Pepe growled.

CeeCee asked, “You hungry, Uncle Jesse?”

“Now that you mention it, I am.”

Merda! “I apologize. I apologize,” I cried.

Pepe snarled viciously.

Jake pointed at Pepe. “What is that?”

CeeCee shrugged. “Not sure. Giovanni created him. He’s a smart little guy and he can mind speak.”

“Huh. Zarek will definitely want to us to confiscate him.”

“No!” I clasped the little guy to my chest. “Pepe’s mine and I won’t let you take him from me.”

His eyes cold with menace, Jake stated, “Prisoners have no rights.”


“Partner,” CeeCee hurriedly inserted.

Jake slid her a narrowed sidelong glance.

I glared at them. “I thought this was a team effort to stop Giovanni and free his prisoners?”

“We are currently hunting Giovanni and there were no prisoners. Just empty cells,” Jake shot back.

I could feel the color drain from my face. “Dio mio. I knew it. Giovanni killed my brother.”

“You don’t know that yet. There are several drugs that can sever mental links. Once his base was under attack, Giovanni probably had the Rodan transport all his test subjects to another location,” CeeCee quickly interjected.

Jake nodded. “We found several stasis chambers in Giovanni’s lab. If your brother was placed in one, you won’t be able to link with him.”

“Adam could still be alive?” Hope flickered to life. “We’ve got to find him before he turns into one of those horrible creatures. I can’t lose him too.”

“You won’t. You have my word we Copyright 2016 - 2024