Stealing His Princess (Kings of Conquest #2) - Adelaide Forrest Page 0,56

would have to contend with any consequences of our actions. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his shoulder. I closed my eyes with a contented hum as I nuzzled the side of his neck with my nose, taking in the smell of him.

While it was possible that I was stupid for letting him inside me again, and so easily, I was determined to keep the memory of him burned in my mind and on my heart. I ran my hands down his back and over the strong ridges of his muscles so I could memorize the way his body felt under my fingers.

It might be the only thing that would keep me sane when I had to do what my parents wanted for me, what they expected of me. “Aric.”

“Marry me,” he said.

My heart thudded in my chest. “You know I can’t do that.”

His hands tightened around my forearms, forcing me to look at him. “I understand. It’s about your mother.”

I nodded, allowing my curtain of hair to fall over my face to hide the tears that pooled in my eyes. “She isn’t well. I’d be perfectly happy to create a scandal, if I only had my reputation on the line, but as she gets weaker, I only want to make her happy. She wants to see me settled and has determined that me being the Queen of Mitnar is what’s best for me.”

“I think your mother would want to see you happy.” He let out a mirthless laugh. “Trust me, I know all about mothers who use their children simply for their own gain. From what I know of the Queen of Theodosia, she is a far cry from the woman who birthed me.”

“Aric,” I let out, my voice breaking in a desperate attempt to stop the stem of tears.

He drew me in, touching my chin so my eyes could meet his. “Once they see how happy we are together, they’ll support your decision.”

“But she loves Holden as she would love a son! So does my father,” I protested, even as my arms wrapped around his neck, my resolve weakening. “I don’t want to hurt them.”

“Are you saying that I’m not the sort of man parents would want for their daughter to marry?” He held his breath for a moment before saying, “My sister is marrying Reece.”

I paused at his words, and I looked at him closely to gauge his reaction. “How do you feel about that?”

“Happy,” he laughed out. “I couldn’t be happier for her, but it also affords me the ability to marry the woman I love.”

“What do you mean?” I laid a hand on his cheek and closed my eyes as my heart started thudding in my chest.

“Reece has promised Lantis his complete support. Whatever reservations your father and even your mother might have about you marrying me instead of Holden can be assuaged by the fact that we have his full backing.” He blew out a deep breath.

I opened my eyes and shot him a glare before drilling my finger into his belly. “So, what? You pushed me away because you thought I couldn’t handle being the Queen of a poor country? Is that it?”

He dragged me against his chest where I beat against his hard muscles with my fists. “Yes. I’m sorry. I should have fought for you, but whatever worries you had over your parents are certain to be addressed by the backing of Oshal.”

“I should hate you,” I whispered, looking down at my hands. “But I can’t pretend it doesn’t make me happy. I’m still annoyed at you that you didn’t think I’d want to serve alongside you in Lantis. That you think me so shallow, the wealth of your Kingdom would matter to me in the end! But I am happy that I won’t be breaking my parents’ hearts in the process.”

“Tell me again, Bristol,” he demanded, eyes bright and focused only on me.

“I love you, Aric.” My lips molded against his, and this time the tears that stung my eyes were from joy.

“And I love you, my Siren,” he whispered against my mouth when we broke apart.

I smiled. “We need to tell Holden.”

“I think he’s figured it out by now.” He chuckled and the sound was a rumble in his chest. “He held the door open for us.”

Shaking my head, I stood to pull my dress back on. “I want to talk to him. Now.” I bent down and grabbed his shirt before throwing it at his head. Copyright 2016 - 2024