Stealing His Princess (Kings of Conquest #2) - Adelaide Forrest Page 0,34

"Good day. There's no problem, not at all. I was just hoping to secure my sister. The last I saw her, she was disappearing behind the hedges with your King."

I saw the surprise light in his eyes before he tamped it down with disinterested politeness. "Is that so? I'm afraid the King has not been to his office since earlier this morning before the picnic. He was determined to finish his work early so he could spend time outside. As host, of course."

My face cracked into a grin before I could stop myself. "Not that I don't believe that Reece can be a good host if he sets his mind to it, but he was barely present in that picnic. Most of your guests were left to fend for themselves while your boss went off with my sister in tow. I would have followed but I had another matter to attend to."

I winced at the reminder of just what I had been doing instead of paying attention to my sister.

"I see. Apologies, sir, but I cannot say with certainty where your sister is and if she is indeed with the King." He gave me a shallow bow and I didn't know if I believed him or not. Regardless, I had come upon a dead end.

"Well, then, the next time you see your King, tell him that if he does anything to hurt my sister, then he’ll have me to deal with.”

He stiffened, face set into straight lines. "Is that a formal declaration, sir?"

"No, just a reminder that I will not have my sister be just another feather in his cap." With that, I spun on my heels and went toward the grand entrance hall. Surely, I would see my sister there sooner or later.

"Aric!" I winced as the very last person I'd hope to run across called me. Smoothing my features, I turned around to face my guilt, hoping it wasn't apparent on my face.

I lifted a hand in greeting as my best friend caught up to me. Surreptitiously, I checked my cuffs to make sure they weren’t too wrinkled. If there was anyone who would notice, someone who knew me so well would. "Holden! Having a good afternoon?”

“Passable,” he said, and for a moment I saw worry flicker in his eyes. But he turned and looked out toward the big doors and he was again the charming King of Mitnar. A pale and pleasing royal, every bit the opposite of me.

I laughed and wondered if Bristol had gone back out, knowing I couldn’t ask him. It would be too suspicious. “That fun, huh?”

“Yes.” He shot me a smirk and looked me up and down. “Although I doubt you were having fun at the picnic. So who’s the lucky girl?”

I froze, the knowledge of the sin at the tips of my lips before I struggled to say casually, “A man never tells. We were raised better than that.” I paused and remembered how everyone, simply everyone, had known my father had fooled around with my mother before marrying her. How that affair had destroyed so much that reverberated through generations of the Atwater reputation. “Well, you know.”

“Yes, of course. So, why are you walking around instead of spending time with your lady?”

Because she hates me. Because she’s going to marry you. My heart raced as I thought of how I’d left Bristol. Her anger that had spewed hot and hard over me. And, worse, the hurt that I had undoubtedly pierced through her soul. “Looking for my sister. Mother is worried about her, and despite my dislike for her, I have to admit in this instance Mother had a few valid points. I’m worried for her too.”

“Did she leave with our host? I’m pretty sure I heard a few people talk about them.” He shot me a long look. “I’m sorry.”

“Never mind. Any idea where they went?” I shrugged. What I’d told Bristol was true. I was used to being talked about. After all, people would always want to speak about someone who was worse off than them.

And who could be worse than the leader of the poor nation with laughingstocks for parents?

"Sorry, I didn’t catch that. In fact, I was looking for Bristol. The girls she’d been talking to said she had to rush back up to her room to put some sunscreen on, because redhead problems, apparently. But I looked there and she didn’t answer the door, so I don’t know where she could have run off to.” Copyright 2016 - 2024