Stay With Me (She's With Me #2) - Jessica Cunsolo Page 0,90

is the perfect time to cook up a feast and continue drinking.

Annalisa, Charlotte, and I barely drank, but since we don’t trust the guys to operate heavy kitchen appliances while drunk, we stay up and cook for them.

“Isn’t this ironic?” Noah plops himself down on the stool at the kitchen counter. “The men sitting around drinking beer and the women in the—”

Annalisa cuts him off by pulling a knife from the wooden block and pointing it at him from across the kitchen, her eyes narrowed.

“Finish that sentence with a joke about how women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. I dare you.”

Noah gulps, his eyes wide. “I was gonna say something about the women looking so pretty and being so nice and generous and taking care of us …”

Annalisa rolls her eyes but smirks anyway and puts the knife down on the counter. “That’s exactly what I thought.”

Mason takes a seat on the stool beside Noah, beer in hand. “What are you making for our feast? I want a full, four-course meal!”

“You’re getting grilled cheese,” I deadpan, already buttering the bread.

He frowns. “But we want—”

Annalisa picks up the knife again, and like she did with Noah, points it at him from across the kitchen.

“Grilled cheese. That’s what you were going to say, right?”

Mason eyes Annalisa and compliantly nods. “I love grilled cheese.”

Annalisa smiles triumphantly and holds up the knife to inspect it. “Wow, this knife is great at getting the Boys to do whatever we want.”

Julian puts his arm around her as he opens the fridge to grab another beer.

“It’s not the knife, it’s the crazy, murderous, I’m not afraid to cut you alive and wear your skin as pajamas look you have in your eyes,” he jokes, and she laughs as she play hits him and wiggles out of his embrace.

We make so much grilled cheese that we finish two packages of bread. There’s a pile of sandwiches on the stove so that Aiden is able to have some when he gets back.

I’m sitting on the floor eating my own grilled cheese while playing a board game with Mason, Annalisa, and Noah, trying to ignore Aiden in the other room.

“Earth to k-bear! It’s your turn.” Mason taps me on the forehead.

“Oh, sorry.” I shake my head and roll the dice so I can move my piece across the board.

“It’s okay, you were probably just distracted by my godlike abs.” Mason smirks at me, and any girl who wasn’t already in love with Aiden would’ve melted.

“You’re wearing a shirt, Mason,” I inform him with a laugh, content with pretending that any tension we’ve had the last few days doesn’t exist.

He swiftly pulls his shirt over his head in a way that would’ve been shot in slow motion if this was a movie. “Not anymore.” He smiles cheekily.

“Oh no. Mason’s taking his clothes off. Now you know he’s drunk.” Annalisa shakes her head with an exhausted smile.

“Like we didn’t already know that,” Noah says. “Dude, put your shirt back on.”

“Why?” Mason smiles innocently. “Amelia likes it, right, k-bear?”

Mason is not unattractive in the slightest—he could probably get a professional modeling contract if he tried—but he’s just not the guy I’m interested in looking at shirtless.

“Put your clothes back on, Mason.” I laugh as I finish my sandwich.

“Don’t lie, k-bear. We all know you want it,” he teases, flexing his pecs so that they bounce in a mesmerizing manner.

“Oh yeah, Mason. The only reason I told you to put your shirt back on is because it’s the only thing stopping me from jumping your bones,” I say incredibly sarcastically.

He either consciously chooses to ignore the sarcasm or is too drunk to notice it, because he smiles widely with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“Nothing’s stopping you right now!” He smiles.

My eyes widen as he takes me off guard, leaning over and sort of tackling me, pinning me under him, and starts tickling me.

“Mason!” I manage to yell between forced giggles, incapable of pushing him off of me. “Stop!”

All of a sudden, his weight is lifted off of me, and I wipe the resulting tears from my eyes as I sit up. Aiden is standing over us, having pulled Mason off of me, and he looks incredibly pissed off.

“What the hell, man?” Mason complains. “What’s your problem? We were just playing!”

“You’re my problem,” Aiden deadpans, his eyes bold and fiery.

Mason stands up to face Aiden, and I exchange a nervous glance with Noah and Annalisa.

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