Stay With Me (She's With Me #2) - Jessica Cunsolo Page 0,83

had in King City. I’ll do whatever it takes, so believe me when I say Aiden’s not going to be a problem. I’ll make sure of it.”

I’ve always thought that Aiden’s father was a terrible person, but hearing these words out loud is like a punch to the chest. The only indications that Aiden’s pissed are his drawn eyebrows and the tick in his jaw.

“Well, then, where is he?” comes a new voice, low and masculine. “We’re supposed to get ahead of this before it becomes a scandal. Introduce him as your estranged son you’re reconnecting with. I can’t do my job as your campaign manager if he’s not going to cooperate.”

“It’s under control, Will,” Andrew says forcefully.

“What are you doing?” A loud voice comes from directly behind us, making both Aiden and I jump at the unexpected sound.

“Vee? What are you doing here?” I ask her, astonished. We haven’t seen her since the other day at the roller rink. Her long, sparkly, silver dress hugs her body and kind of makes me wish I was wearing it. Her brown hair is coiled professionally on top of her head and her deep-red lipstick is perfectly intact despite the almost empty glass of champagne in her hand. Her eyes jump over me and land on Aiden, at which she does a double take and stays there, drinking him in like she did last time. Jealousy boils in my veins.

“Evianna?” Katherine’s voice comes from directly behind us, and Aiden and I turn again, caught in the doorway like deer in headlights between Vee and the adults.

“Aiden,” says Andrew, his tone cool and authoritative, the sarcasm heavy. “Thank you for finally joining us. Come in.”

With no other choice than to follow him into the room, we do, and Harvey closes the door behind us. We’re in a large office. There’s a heavy desk in the room, as well as a few leather couches. A large bookshelf covers the wall behind the desk, and I find the entire room intimidating since there are no windows in here.

“Aiden, this is my wife, Katherine.” Andrew gestures to a regal woman in a burgundy floor-length dress. She’s quite striking, in a beautiful but intimidating kind of way. “And her daughter, Evianna.” Andrew gestures at Vee, and Aiden and I stare at her openly.

“This is your ‘criminal, trailer-park thug of a no-good son’?” Evianna’s eyes are wide as she takes in Aiden’s gorgeous frame in a new light, and I know she’s trying to match the image Andrew’s painted with the tall, could-be underwear model in front of her.

I want to punch her.

“Where are your brothers?” Andrew asks, not even bothering to deny that he called Aiden those names, and as usual, completely ignoring me.

“I left the ‘stupid brats’ at home.” Aiden emphasizes Andrew’s previous words. “I didn’t want them to be a part of your game. In fact, neither do I.”

Andrew’s head tilts. “Then why did you come?”

Aiden glances at me, and I know he doesn’t really understand why himself, but I hope he got the closure he was looking for, because from the sound of it, Andrew’s still the same self-absorbed asshole he was when he left Aiden and his mom all those years ago.

“I’ve known a lot of really shitty people over the course of my life,” Aiden starts, “but none of them come even remotely close to you.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” Andrew doesn’t sound sorry in the slightest.

“I didn’t come here with the intention of wanting anything from you,” Aiden tells him. “But now, I think I want everything.”

Andrew shares a glance with his wife. She gives him an approving nod. They were prepared for this.

Andrew’s tone is confident and a little cocky. “We have enough money to make sure you and your brothers never have to work a day in your life.”

I know Aiden’s not missing the fact that Andrew only refers to Jason and Jackson as “your brothers,” and not “my sons.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“Then what—”

“I had a conversation with Vivienne Henfrey, earlier.” Aiden cuts Andrew off, looking right at home even though we’re in the middle of a snake pit. “She really doesn’t like you.”

Andrew’s “we’re family, son” manner falls, and I see him for who he truly is as he sends Aiden a venomous look. “A lot of work and money has gone into this campaign, Aiden.” He’s trying to stay calm, trying to remain in control of the situation. “A lot of people are counting on Copyright 2016 - 2024