Stay With Me (She's With Me #2) - Jessica Cunsolo Page 0,60

chocolate with those little marshmallows.”

I try not to swoon, but I’m sure it’s written all over my face. “You’re such a good big brother.”

He ignores my incredibly correct statement and drinks his coffee. “That’s my favorite sweater, you know.” He nods at the sweater I’m wearing.

I smile cheekily at him. “Good thing it’s on your favorite person.”

He raises an amused eyebrow and grins knowingly. “I wouldn’t let Noah borrow my sweaters.”

I fake indignation and play hit him, and we both laugh.

“Are you going to tell me what’s in that box or are you going to let me die of curiosity?”

He laughs and moves the tray off the bed, replacing it with the small box wrapped in Christmas paper.

“I know we all agreed to do Secret Santa instead of everyone getting everyone a present, but I still wanted to get you something even though I didn’t pick your name.”

My heart skips a few beats and I discreetly pinch myself to stop from crying. It takes everything I have to stop myself from tackling him and kissing him until New Year’s. I rest my mug on the floor and gently take the surprisingly well-wrapped present in my hands.

I raise my eyes to his, only to find him already studying me. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Just open it.”

It’s a flat, red box, just a bit bigger than my hand, and I eye his stoic face before opening the lid.

It’s a necklace, but not a normal, dainty, diamond kind of necklace. The chain is a regular, long, plain chain, and hanging from it is an object. It’s long and skinny and looks wooden, with some ornate golden designs at the top and bottom, and some numbers burned into it. It looks vintage, and it’s truly beautiful.

“It’s beautiful, Aiden. Definitely one of a kind. Thank you.”

I hold it up to examine it, and it has some weight to it, but not so much that it would bother me.

“May I?” He holds out his hand and I place the necklace in it.

“See these two things right here?” He points to the top of the wooden part where some gold decoration sticks out slightly. “You have to press them at the same time.”

He does, and there’s a very slight click.

“That was the blade unlocking.”


He pulls on the new silver thing sticking out of the long side of the wood, and like he said, a blade swings out. I blink at him. Aiden seriously got me a pocketknife disguised as a beautiful necklace. I laugh. It’s a carefree, honest laugh that has Aiden looking confused.

“Why are you laughing?” he frowns.

“This is probably the most useful and thoughtful gift I’ve ever gotten. I love it.”

He smiles, looking slightly relieved but hiding it well.

“With everything going on, I wanted to make sure you’re always safe and never left helpless, especially since I can’t always be around. I know you’re not helpless and can kick some ass, but I thought it would be better if you had something on you at all times.”

Taking the necklace back from him, I close the blade. It’s not a large blade and it’s not like I could kill anyone with it, but I could do some serious damage if Tony snuck up on me.

“I honestly love it. It’s such an ‘Aiden’ gift.” I laugh.

This is just like Aiden, always looking out for the people he cares about and wanting them to be safe. I’m so lucky to have him in my life, even if it’s just for a short while. I’ll get to wear this necklace when I’m in whatever town I’m shipped off to, and always remember this moment with Aiden. I’ll always be able to remember him and how he made me feel like I was floating.

“I was going to get you a Taser disguised as lipstick,” he tells me, “but knowing how clumsy you are, I figured that might lead to some pretty bad accidents. At least with this you have to consciously unlock the blade first.”

“I would not accidentally tase myself!”

“Better safe than sorry,” he teases.

I run my hand along the handle of the pocketknife. “What do these numbers engraved in the handle mean?”

He shifts and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

“They’re the coordinates of the school,” he admits.

“The school?”

“Yeah, where we first met.”

I think my jaw hits the floor as I stare at him.

Now I know he’s uncomfortable, because he starts rambling. “I figured there wouldn’t be any harm in the coordinates. If anyone Copyright 2016 - 2024