Starting From Here (Starting From #3) - Lane Hayes Page 0,9

inched into my space until we stood toe to toe. “Hmph. You must have some devious plan to exact revenge on me. Make it painful, degrading…make me hate your guts as much as you hate mine.”

I pushed him hard enough that he stumbled backward a couple of steps. “The thing you always get wrong is that you think I give a fuck about you.”

“You spend a lot of time hating me. Don’t bother denying it. I bet you’ve thought up all kinds of delicious ways to make me suffer. Trust me, I’d have rather sucked your dick than asked for your help, asshole. You go out of your way to make everything as fucking difficult as possible.”

The vein at his temple protruded angrily as he revved himself up. Did I hate him? Well, yeah, but I definitely didn’t waste any time thinking of ways to make him suffer.

“Might want to take a look in the mirror, pal,” I snarled, stepping to my left. “I’m done here. We obviously can’t have a rational conversation without wanting to gouge each other’s eyes out, so let’s leave it the fuck alone.”

He moved in front of me and shook his head. “Tell me what you meant first. What kind of deal do you want?”


“I mean it. I want a truce. I’m tired of fighting and I actually do need help.”

His voice took on a gravelly quality that went straight to my cock. I couldn’t tell if it was the needy undertone or something headier I didn’t quite understand, but the air crackled with a familiar carnal electricity I didn’t want to associate with Declan. Ever. I had to get out of there.

“We can do this another time. Maybe tomorrow or—”

“No.” He opened his arms wide. “We’re not going anywhere until you talk to me.”

“For fuck’s sake. Move it, McNamara.”

“Make me.”

No problem. I grabbed him by his upper arms and picked him up like a rag doll. Declan wasn’t a small man by any stretch, but he wasn’t as muscular as I was. Moving around him should have been easy as pie. But he anticipated the maneuver and leaned sideways, using his weight to knock us off balance.

I pulled his elbow before he careened into the wall. He dragged me with him, clutching my jacket so I fell against him, pinning him like a butterfly in the corner.

I braced my hand on the wall and scowled at him. He splayed his fingers over my chest, furrowing his brow as if he were building up the momentum to give me a good shove. I grabbed his wrist, intending to swat him away like a gnat. Then I lifted it over his head instead and clenched my jaw as I stole every inch of space from him.

“Go home. You’re outmatched, outnumbered, outsmarted and—”

Declan slid his free hand around the back of my neck and slammed his mouth over mine.

To be perfectly honest, I think he was trying to shut me up. There was way too much animosity between us to make the advance seem sexy. Don’t get me wrong, it was hot as fuck. But it was also a declaration of war.

I grabbed his face and pushed my tongue into his mouth. He let out a gasp of surprise, but he didn’t miss a beat. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his pelvis as he twisted his tongue with mine in a hungry, angry fusion that left us both breathless and seemingly unable to stop.

I sucked his bottom lip, bit his jaw, and licked his neck. He hummed in reluctant approval, grunting as he lifted his face toward the ceiling to give me better access before sealing his mouth over mine again. His kiss was punishing and animalistic and fuck me, it was exactly what I wanted. No, it was what I needed. Times ten.

Yeah, there’d be consequences, but I didn’t want to think about that now. The ball was already rolling down the hill, picking up speed at an alarming rate. Might as well give us both something worth regretting, I mused as I unzipped his jacket and ran my thumbs over his taut nipples through his T-shirt.

He tilted his hips in response, setting off a whole new wave of fireworks when his cock nudged mine. There were two layers of denim and boxer briefs between us, but his erection felt like a steel rod. He was thick and hard and fuck. I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in mindless Copyright 2016 - 2024