Stalking Her Sweetly - MINK Page 0,35

waterproof for me, and I still manage to murder them. Gah.

At least Silas thinks it's cute when I make a dork out of myself. My body hums thinking about him. I walk a little faster so I can get this over with and get back home to him. I should have asked if he wanted to come with me. He would’ve caught my phone before it hit the ground. And then I wouldn’t be out all that money I’ll have to spend on a replacement.

“This is creepy.” The alley is tidy, but no one’s around, and it’s broad daylight. Don’t psych yourself out. I need to get it over with and get home.

I knock on the old backdoor to the coffeeshop. This place looks a little unused. There’s also no trash in the dumpster. It doesn’t look as though it’s been open in a while.

“Come in!” I hear a girl yell.

I let myself in. I’m met with darkness. The only light comes from the door I’m currently holding open.

“Hello?” I call out when no one comes to meet me. “Hello?” I try again.

I can’t use my phone for a light or anything else for that matter. The door jerks out of my hand and slams closed. I scream as the room fills with light. When I get myself together, I look up to see that it’s actually only one light that swings back and forth above me. It looks like a bare bulb directly out of a horror film for sure.

I feel someone behind me, so I scurry farther into the shop, then turn around.

All the blood drains from my face.

I know the person leaning against the door is Lindsay from college, but she looks a lot different. Or should I say a lot like me. She’s got a baseball bat in her hand, which can’t be a good sign.

“My freckles look better on you?” I say with an awkward laugh. Because what the hell else do you say when someone has changed their appearance to look as if they were you? She gives me a look like I’m the crazy one.

“You’ve made these last few days hard for me, Jamie.” She makes a tsking sound. The bat slaps against her other hand as though she’s imagining it’s something else.

“Sorry?” I offer.

“Though you did land yourself a hot boyfriend. I think I’ll enjoy him.” She smiles.

“He knows about you.” The smirk drops from her face. “If I don’t come back, he’ll know it was you. We went to Trevor’s. Silas saw everything.”

“Gross. Trevor.” She rolls her eyes. “Our taste is better than Trevor. Jamie.”

I can’t argue with her there.

“Thanks for killing him?” The words slip from my mouth before I can stop myself. Why do I keep saying these things?

“You can thank your boyfriend for that one.” She lifts the bat then smacks it down in her hand over and over. She stares at me like she’s waiting for me to say something.

I glance around and wonder if there’s an escape route, though I’m not sure I can outrun her.

She snaps her fingers to get my attention, then goes back to whacking the bat. “He killed him. Jesus, you’re dumb sometimes.”

“He did not,” I defend Silas. Why would he kill Trevor? She’s making up lies to cover her tracks.

“He does a lot of things you don’t know about. If you had a look around his place, you’d know.”

“Okay, let's go check it out.”

“I’m not that stupid.” Her nose wrinkles.

I had to give it a try. Lindsay reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her phone. She takes a step closer to me.

I back up.

“See?” She flips her phone around for me to see. I watch as the video plays. It starts off with her being in Silas's living room before she moves through the house. She goes down some stairs and enters what looks like a basement. The camera goes black for a moment as she opens the freezer door a moment later.

I gasp when I see Trevor. “Is he frozen?” I don’t really mean it as a question, because I can clearly see he’s frozen.

“Like a Popsicle. Kinda hot your man did that.” She puts her phone away. “He stalks you. Been doing it for a while, from what I gather.”

“So you want to be me, and he stalks me?” I almost start laughing hysterically because out of all the crazy, paranoid things I could have thought up, this scenario would never have been one of them. What Copyright 2016 - 2024