Stalking Her Sweetly - MINK Page 0,32

she can breathe, she smiles, her eyes still hazed with sex.

“Guess I won’t die a virgin after all.” She surges up and pulls me on top of her again, our kiss sealing our bond, and our lovemaking sealing our destiny together.



I sort through my emails, trying to play a little catch up. Hunting a killer is really starting to suck up all my time. So is falling in love. I smile thinking about that. I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing at least. If it had been up to me, I would have stayed in bed all day with Silas. My body still tingles from all the wicked things he did to me. He’d spent hours pleasuring me with his mouth and body until I finally passed out.

I want to spend every night like that. It was incredible. I’d felt so needed by him. The way he touched me was consuming. It felt like I belonged to him.

I wiggle in my chair as I start to get turned on again. Silas had only slipped out thirty minutes ago. Before he’d left he made sure he gave me one of his kisses between my thighs. He’d made me come hard and fast while he drank every drop of me down. I had wanted him to take me again, but he said it was too soon. That I needed to rest.

After all the orgasms, I don’t understand how am I still horny? I’m guessing because I know what’s out there. I was ignorant to it before, but now that I’ve had Silas, I want more of him. Focus, I tell myself. The sooner I get stuff done, the sooner I can be back with Silas between my legs. I want his mouth all over me again. To feel him inside of me again. No, I need it. Jeez, I need to calm my ladybits down.

He said he had a few things he needed to handle for work, too. He made me lock up the house extra tight and told me he’d be right next door.

“I may as well make the most of it.” I sigh as Toby rolls onto his side on my desk, conveniently knocking off papers and pens.

After some belly rubs, I continue to fire off a few emails, including one reminding a client she didn’t buy insurance for her trip. Toby rises and plops his butt down on my desk to stare at me.

“What?” I ask before giving him a long pet. He purrs as he butts his little head against my hand. “I miss him, too.”

I bite my lip and think about taking my laptop over to Silas’s place to work. But I don’t want to seem desperate. Then he might think I’m crazy. One night of sex, and I am turning into a wet blanket. Don’t men hate that? This dating stuff is hard. Even harder when you actually care about the person. I hadn’t cared what Trevor thought. Let’s be honest, I hadn’t really cared about Trevor at all.

“We should go over there, right?” What could it hurt? He’s already seen a lot of my crazy, so I’m sure me being clingy won’t be too surprising. There is no point hiding who I am. So far, he’s liked all my little quirks. I can’t help it if I’m starting to become obsessed with him. This has never happened to me before. I normally go on a few dates and then ghost them. It’s terrible but true. I’ve never really clicked with anyone, and now that I’ve found someone I have a connection with, I plan to hold on with both hands.

With Trevor, I had made myself stick around thinking there was something wrong with me since I could never seem to feel connected to him. As you can see, that decision blew up in my face, literally. At least the bruise on my cheek is gone now. I could see the anger in Silas’s eyes every time he looked at it.

I snort a laugh and put my hand over my mouth when I realize this time I’m the one that was ghosted. “Toby, you can’t make jokes like that.” I shut my laptop. I mean, like really ghosted.

I grab my phone when it goes off and hope it’s Silas. He saved his number in my phone this morning. I should send him dirty pictures. I bet that will get him to come back faster. Disappointment hits me when I see it’s a text from the new Copyright 2016 - 2024