Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,99

how badly I could hurt her … how much I want to.

“Is that what I think it is?” she says, looking at my bud.

“It’s none of your fucking business.”

“Yeah, it is,” she says. “I don’t want you doing stupid things.”

“You make me do stupid things, Vanessa. Because of you, I had to drop out.”

She shakes her head. “You have it all wrong.”

“No, this?” I say, looking back at my buds. “This is on you.”

I hear footsteps behind me but ignore them because I’m too busy with her.

“I didn’t make you sell drugs, Miles. That’s your choice.”

“No, you made the choice for me. And what the hell are you doing here anyway if you’re not interested in buying?”

“I saw you when I walked on the stage.”

I swallow, blinking a couple of times. Shit. She saw me. “So?”

“I know you were watching me, Miles. I know you still care.”

I muffle a laugh. “I don’t give a shit about you anymore.”

“That’s not true, and I care about you, too. We have to talk.”

“No, we don’t.”

I attempt to turn around, but she jerks my arm. “We’re not finished yet.”

“Oh, yes we are. We were finished the moment you ran back into that bastard’s arms.”

She leans back as I stare deep into her eyes. “You mean Phillip?”

“Who else? That son of a bitch doesn’t give two shits about you, and you chose him over me. And now you’re here to do what? Say you’re sorry? Ask for forgiveness? You won’t find either here, Princess. I’m done wasting my time.”

“It’s not what it looks like,” she says. “Please, give me a chance to explain it all.”

“You had your chance,” I growl. “You wasted it. No second chances.”

Tears well up in her eyes, but she whisks them away with her finger. “I’m sorry, Miles. I didn’t want it to turn out this way.”

“Yeah, well you should have thought of that before you lied to the fucking principal’s face!” I yell.

“I had to. I had no other choice,” she murmurs.

I shake my head. “Whatever. I’m done with this shit. Go back to your family and leave me alone.”

When I turn around, the entire gang has surrounded us. “What’s she doing here?” one of them asks. “Is she a customer or not?”

“No,” she sneers. “Like I would ever use drugs.”

He laughs. “Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Know-it-all. Are they too low for your standards?”

“Stop,” I say. “Leave her alone.”

“No, I wanna know what she’s doing here,” another one says.

They’re all ganging up on her, and I don’t like where this is headed. With her smartass behavior and my connection to her, these guys surely want a piece of her. Especially when she's so condescending about our business.

Another one steps forward. “Yeah, missy? What the hell are you doing here? Spying on our business?”

I grab her arm and look at her. “Just go,” I say.

She nods, her lips trembling, but the moment she turns around another one of them blocks her way.

“Going so quickly now? You still haven’t answered our questions.”

“I’m not interested,” she shouts.

“Let her go,” I say. “She has nothing, and she won’t rat on us.”

“How do you know? She’s done it before … to you, if I remember correctly,” my bud muses.

I frown. “So? What are you going to do? Hold her hostage?”

“That sounds like a plan.” One of them chuckles.

“You can’t be serious,” I growl.

One of them grabs her arm, but she jerks herself loose. “Don’t touch me.”

“Oh.” The guys begin to laugh. “Touchy now, are we?”

“Get your hands off her!” I say, pushing him away.

This causes them to turn their attention toward me, and one of them shoves me so hard I land on the asphalt. Fuck, now they’ve really done it.

As I get up, one of them already has his hands on her waist, pulling her with him into the alley. “Get the fuck away from her!” I yell, going after them.

“Miles!” she screams, as one of them covers her mouth.

“We can’t trust you, missy … maybe we have to make you fear us some more.” The guy has his other hand on her tit as she tries to fight them off. I’m rushing toward her, shoving the others away as they all gang up on her, probably intending to do much, much worse.

“Touch her and you die!” I scream when I reach the dude who’s holding her captive.

“Too late, dude. I’m having a piece of this ass now. You had your chance; now it’s our turn.”

She screams as I punch the guy in the Copyright 2016 - 2024