Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,92

me anymore, Nix?” he says, laughing.

I roll my eyes as he throws his arm over my shoulder. “And here I thought we were best buds.”

“It’s nothing personal,” I say. “Just business.”

“Just business … I can agree on that one,” he says, as we walk back to the table and sit down for a good talk and an even better can of beer.



It’s cold up here with nothing but my skin to keep my warm. Phoenix’s cum is still dripping out of me, messing up the floor. I feel so filthy, but I can’t do anything about it right now except to wait until he comes to get me.

I’m huddled in a corner far away from the window, listening to the sounds from downstairs. I can hear the talk and some noise like scooting chairs and punches on the table. There’s a lot of yelling going on too, so now I’m sure Phoenix didn’t expect any company, and he’s sure as hell not looking for it. Which begs the question; who are they and what are they doing here?

There’s one stomping through the house, and I wonder what’s going on. I keep my ears on high alert as I hear him come up the stairs. Is it Phoenix? Is he coming to get me? Thoughts swirl through my head as the footsteps get closer, and I wonder what is going to happen to me. I can’t shake the horrible feeling that these people, whoever they are, are up to no good. Combine that with Phoenix’s hatred for me, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m screwed if they find out I’m up here.

But it’s too late to contemplate the future. Too late to even attempt to run. The door is already jerked open and in steps a guy.

But it’s not Phoenix.

His face is square, his nose crooked, his jaw tight, his muscled body broad, and his hands look like those of a man bred to kill.

I scoot back in fear, clutching my own body as his eyes zoom in on me and a devious smile appears on his face.

“Oh, what have we got here?” he muses.

“Stay away,” I say.

“So, this is what that dude has been doing in here all this time?” He laughs. “Banging a scared naked chick?”

“I said get away!” I yell as hard as I can, however, my voice is not nearly loud enough to reach all the way downstairs. I don’t think Phoenix can hear me. And even if he could … would he really come?

“And he put a leash on you, too?” He grins, and I grab the collar around my neck, feeling very vulnerable. “This is just too perfect.”

The man steps closer, and in an attempt to rescue myself from his impending assault, I get up and grab the chair I was sitting on, holding the legs like some sort of shield.

“Oh, pretty girl has a little spirit left inside her?” he muses. “He didn’t break you enough, it seems.”

When he stomps toward me, I shove the chair in his face and run past him as he tumbles to the ground. Just before I reach the door, his hand wraps around my ankle and pulls me down.

“Oh, no, you’re not going anywhere,” he growls.

I scream and scratch the floor, wood curling underneath my nails as he drags me toward him. He pushes me down on the ground and crawls on top of me as I try to fight him off to no avail.

“Get off me!” I scream as he leans down on top of me.

“You think you can get away, pretty girl?” he whispers. His breath stinks of alcohol. “Oh, no, I want to have a taste first before I kill you.”

“What?” I scream.

“You heard me. No wonder that dude has been keeping you up here. He wanted to have a personal pet to play with. Fuck, I can’t believe he’s been keeping this a secret. No wonder, I would kill to have a pet like you.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” I scream as he pushes my wrists above my head.

“Shut the fuck up,” he says, smashing his hand into my mouth.

It fucking hurts, but the adrenaline is keeping me from feeling any pain because he’s literally on top of me, almost suffocating me with his weight.

“I didn’t fucking come here for that dude, but I’m going to take you instead,” he says.

And then he unbuckles his belt and pulls out his dick.

Oh god, I feel like I’m going to be sick.

“No!” I scream.

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