Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,8

don’t know how long he’s been there or why, but I guess we both just like being in each other’s vicinity.

However, my parents told me to pay attention to my homework, and if I don’t have it all done by the time I get home, I’m sure I’ll get scolded. I don’t want them to be angry, so I’d best not get distracted.

I try to focus on my books instead of the boy, but then other kids flock around Miles.

“Hey, whatcha doing?” a redheaded kid says.

“Nothing …” Miles answers.

The kid frowns. “Yeah, you are.” He kicks the dirt. “You’re looking at the ants.”

The other kids are laughing. “Ants? Why? Is he that bored?”

“I’m not bored,” the boy says.

The other one folds his arms. “Oh, what then? Checking up if they’re okay?” He pretends to wipe a tear away, and then suddenly stomps his foot on the ground right where Miles was looking at. “Too late! Now they’re dead!”

All the kids burst out into laughter. “He’s stupid. So lame!”

“I’m not lame.” Miles looks up at them, and a certain glare in his eyes makes all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Suddenly, the redheaded kid punches Miles right in the face.

I close my book and place it on the edge of the wall before jumping down. “Leave him alone!”

The kids now turn their attention to me. “Oh, yeah? And what’s it to you?”

I come and stand between them and Miles and hold up my arms. “You want to hit him? You’ll have to go through me.”

“I’m not afraid of a girl …” the kid growls.

“You’re going to hit a girl?” the kids behind him say.

“Yeah, why not?” he says.

“You can’t do that!” they all say.

He takes a deep breath and sighs, looking me straight in the eye as if he wants to scare me away. But I’m not scared of any bully, and nobody threatens Miles.

“Let’s go,” he suddenly says, and he turns and walks away with the other kids.

I blow out a sigh of relief, closing my eyes for a second to calm myself down.

“Why did you do that?” Miles asks after a while.

I glance at him over my shoulder. “Because they were bullying you.”

“Yeah, but they weren’t bullying you.”

“I don’t care. You’re my friend. Friends protect each other.”

“Friend?” he repeats, as if he can’t believe it.

“Yeah …” I smile and grab his hand, pulling him up from the ground. “Friends.”

He holds my hand, not letting go, even though he’s already standing up. It feels warm and … weird. I quickly let go of his hand.

“I have to go home,” I say.

“Why?” he asks. “Now?”

“Yeah, my parents want me to be home by a certain time,” I say as I grab my books and stuff them in my backpack.

He cocks his head. “Can I come with you?”

My lips part, but I have no idea how to say this without it coming across as rude. “No, I’m sorry.” I start walking and wave at him. “I’ll see you later!”

I couldn’t tell him the truth. My parents don’t allow any friends to come into the house … let alone those they don’t know personally. And they’d definitely not accept Miles. He’s too … strange for them. He has different habits, likes odd stuff, and he dresses like a chump. No way would they want him in their house.

The sun is already setting, so I have to get home quick, before my mother gets angry with me. She probably already is, since I’m not home five minutes before time. And my homework isn’t even finished yet … oh, god. Just the thought of coming back without it completed gives me the creeps. I hope she’s in a good mood today.

As I run down the road like a mad girl, not looking where I’m going, I bump into someone so hard I fall backwards onto the ground. “Ow!”

My backpack only softened part of the landing, but my butt still hurts. When I look up to see what’s blocking my path, my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

It’s the redheaded kid.

“Think you could get away with that?” he says, grinding his teeth. “Think again.”

“What do you want?” I ask, as I try to get up.

However, he places his foot forward. “Don’t get up or else …”

“Or else what?” I say, frowning. “You’re going to bully me, too?”

“Nobody gets in my way.” He points at his chest.

Then he attempts to hit me. I hold my hands in front of my face, expecting the Copyright 2016 - 2024