Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,25

at her. I love that sight. The rage and confusion clearly visible on her face brings me so much joy. It’s like she finally gets to experience what I have had to endure all these years. Sweet, merciless revenge.

I lean in closer to the cage and admire the sight of my captive from up close. She’s still as beautiful as ever, with rosy cheeks and lips to match, so alluring … like a seductress, only the bad kind. The kind that gets you killed.

She’s not a good girl, despite her looks. She likes to play with people, spinning lies around their hearts. But I’m not stupid, and I won’t fall into her web. That doesn’t mean I have to stay at a safe distance, though, because from the way I see it, I’ll need to get up close and personal to hurt her. So personal that she won’t be able to tell the difference between pain and pleasure. I want her to experience both, so I can break her down mentally and emotionally.

But not before I get everything I want from her. Now that she’s within my grasp, I finally have the chance to act out all the fantasies I’ve had since I was stuck in jail. Oh, the amount of times I’ve thought of kissing those sweet, poisonous lips and ramming my hard cock into her wet folds have made me crazy with lust in addition to the rage.

And there she is, sitting in her cage, looking at me with those doll eyes and pouty lips, ready to receive. Fuck.

“What are you doing?” she asks slowly, as if she’s trying to understand me. As if that’s even possible. Even I don’t understand myself. I sure as hell don’t understand the conflicted feelings that I’m having right now. Like, on one hand, I want to fuck her into oblivion, and on the other hand, I want to tear her heart out.

Such a difficult choice.

I reach into the cage and grab her chin. “Admiring my prey.”

She tries to swat my hand away, but I grab her wrist and shake my head. “Uh-uh. If you want me to be nice, you have to behave.”

“You don’t do nice,” she says.

I smile. “Hmm … you might be right on that part.”

“Once,” she adds.

“Once what?”

“You were nice … once.”

My smile dissipates. “It was all a lie. Fake. Just like you.”

The hurt in her eyes is like food to my soul. “You don’t mean that. You just want to hurt me.”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. Is it working?” I jest.

“Oh, fuck off …” she mutters, frowning.

“No, but if you ask nicely, I might fuck you later.”

She winces. “As if I would ever let you.”

Turning her head with my fingers, I lean in closer and whisper in her ear, “That’s a lie. You and I both know you never have and never will be able to resist me.”

I can’t stop my tongue from dipping out to lick her neck. Just one taste is enough to send a shiver down my spine. Fuck, she’s still as delicious as I remember, and those goosebumps on her skin only add to my excitement.

I turn her head toward me and smile against her skin. “Try to deny it, Vanessa. You can’t, and I won’t ever believe you. You see, I know you. I know who you are, what you are, and you’ll never be able to hide behind those lies. Not in front of me.”

She swallows, her entire body trembling as I gaze deeply into her eyes, taking in the fear that resides in them. And then I smash my lips on hers.

I kiss her hard and callously, not giving a shit about whether or not she wants it. I’m going for it. I’m taking what’s mine now. She’s in a cage, and she can’t fight me. Not that she wants to. She’s whimpering into my mouth as I kiss her deeper, not taking her lips off me, even though I bet she’s telling herself in her mind that she should.

She can’t. Just like I can’t take my fucking mouth off hers. She’s so fucking attractive; it’s impossible to stay away from her. The memories from long ago come flooding back in, and the more I think about them, the more I remember why I wanted her to be mine.

Once, long ago, when we weren’t an asshole and a bitch set out to ruin each other’s lives.

She must’ve been tapping into the same memory because suddenly she pulls away and Copyright 2016 - 2024