Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,2

his own cheek, dragging it along slowly as everyone watches with parted lips and audible gasps. Apparently, now I’ve gone and done it. Shit’s about to hit the fan. Great. Just the way I like it.

When I’m done, I wipe what’s left of the goo on my pants and cock my head, waiting for him to make the first move.

“You fucking cocksucker. I’ll teach you a lesson.” The guy growls and up his fist goes, right into my face. I take the blow like a man, absorbing the full force and letting my body move with his smack. It takes me a few seconds to recuperate. It’s a good punch. However, not good enough.

“Is that all you got?” I say, turning my face back to him.

The cocky look he’s championing immediately turns into shock, as he probably realizes it didn’t hurt me much. When I smile, he screams and his face turns completely red. Before he can lash out in anger, I punch him in the gut.

That’s when DeLuca gets off the table and hits another guy in the back, causing him to buckle. Then he gives him a knee to the face and steals his knife. He cuts another attacker’s arm, who screams for help, while I fight my attacker until he’s down on the ground and I’m on top of him, beating the shit out of him.

DeLuca scares the others away with the knife, stabbing anyone who dares to come close, as I pummel my opponent with no remorse.

“Who’s teaching who a lesson now, huh?” I yell, my fists spreading his blood all over his face.

By the time the guards arrive, his face is already split open at various points, and his nose is crooked as fuck. I probably broke a few bones here and there. The guards blow on their whistles and sound the alarm, yelling at everyone to get down on the ground. I stop at this moment, as I’d rather not get a fucking Taser on my ass. That does hurt like a bitch.

We lie down, and my attacker is groaning from the pain as the officers swarm in and cuff us all. I’ll probably be put in solitary now, but it was worth every punch I gave him.

Nobody messes with my business. Whether it’s ants or a kill, it’s my fucking business, and everyone best stay out of my way … or I’ll take down every last one of them.



“And cut!”

When the director calls out, I let out a sigh of relief and pull out the ribbon that holds my hair together.

“God, I’m so thirsty,” I say, as my assistant hands me my bottle of water, which I eagerly chug down.

“Great performance, Vanessa,” the director tells me as we both watch the images on the screen.

“Thank you,” I say with a broad smile. “I think I just needed that final push.” After thirty takes, it was about time.

“It looks great,” my assistant says. “Especially the kiss. It’s really authentic.”

“You think?” I say, fishing for more compliments. I love hearing how good I can fake things.

She nods. “Loved it!”

She gives me a high five as the director shakes my hand and winks. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thanks, David. Great work today. See you,” I say, waving as I walk away.

The smile instantly fades from my face as we walk to my dressing room and my assistant, Paige, keeps on yapping.

“Don’t forget you have an appointment with the vocal coach tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I remember,” I say, as I open the door and walk in, taking off my earrings, which hurt.

“Oh, and before I forget … Happy Birthday!”

She suddenly wraps her arms around my neck, catching me by surprise. I have no idea what to do with this sudden affection, especially when she refuses to take her hands off me after half a minute has passed.

“Thanks,” I say, as I peel her off me. “But I’d rather not know.”

“Why? Twenty-seven isn’t that old,” Paige says.

I place my finger on her lips. “Not another word.”

She frowns at me. “Okay …”

“I just don’t like to hear it.” I shrug.

“Well, I do hope you have a great party,” Paige hums.

I give her my regular fake smile. “Of course. Once I get home, I’m pulling out the champagne.” I wink.

She smiles as if she really believes me. “Good. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She starts to walk away, but then turns to face me again. Walking backwards, she says, “If you need anything, just give me a call, okay? I’m always there Copyright 2016 - 2024