Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,17

the umbrellas. I should’ve prepared more for this day, but I didn’t think it would arrive so soon. I lock and load the rifle, turning around quickly to surprise my attacker.

“Show yourself, you motherfucker,” I scream. “I know it’s you.”

“Hello, Vanessa ….” His voice brings me chills to the bone. “Long time, no see.”

“Get the fuck out of my house!” I yell, turning circles.

The voice is coming from everywhere, and I don’t know where he is. If I move, I’m afraid he’ll catch me.

All I hear is vicious, uncontrollable laughter. “Did you miss me? No need to be angry, I’m here now.”

“What do you want?” I scream.

“Oh … you know exactly what I want.” The grim harshness in his voice makes me tremble. “I told you that I’d come for you. Ready or not, here I come, Princess.”

“No! Stay away!” I scream, turning to the hallway. I could swear his voice came from there.

But there’s nothing to be seen.

Nothing except the filthy boot prints on the wooden floor behind me, leading into the hallway to the right.

I follow the trail into my living room, holding out my gun, ready to shoot if I must.

But then the trail suddenly ends.

My lips part in confusion as I wonder where in the hell the dirt has gone. I can’t find the boots anywhere. And then I realize what’s going on.

Too late.

Something is pulled over my head, pulling me into the dark. A bag.

His hands twist and twist until I choke. The gun drops to the floor. He’s suffocating me, and no matter how much I claw at the bag, it won’t break.

The last thing I hear before I pass out is, “Playtime is over. You can’t hide, Princess. Now you’re mine.”




Finally, she’s mine for the taking.

I have her in my clutches, and I’m not about to let go, even though she keeps on struggling.

“Still fighting me, aren’t we?” I whisper into her ear. “Don’t worry, I love being rough with girls, and especially you. So keep on fighting, Princess … it only gives me what I want.”

I twist the bag tighter around her neck, causing her to choke on her own breath.

“You don’t want to know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment …” I take a deep breath as loud as I can so she’ll hear me sniff her scent. “Oh¸ I can’t wait to get started.”

I don’t need to see her eyes to know she can hear me through the bag. But she and I both know she isn’t going to escape my grasp. Not this time. Not ever again.

With one hand, I unbuckle my belt, holding onto the bag around her head with the other as I pull the belt through the loops. Then I tie it around her neck until I hear her gurgle. I love that noise, how desperate it sounds. Like she’s clinging on to life. Fuck, so good, so powerful. It gives me a fucking hard-on just to hear her life drain away.

But I won’t let her die so soon. Fuck, no. I caught my prey, and now I want to play with it.

When I grab the belt with both hands, she suddenly starts running forward out of nowhere. I don’t know where she gets the sudden energy but, fuck, I like her tenacity. Too bad for her, she isn’t going anywhere.

I grab the belt and she falls backward on the floor from the pull, a screech emanating from her mouth.

“You think you can run from me? Not a chance, Princess,” I say. “You’re mine!”

I drag her across the floor, holding the belt tight as she’s scratching it with her claws, trying to get away from my grasp. I can hear her choking from here, and the more I hear it, the more I get the urge to strangle her with my bare hands. I want to watch her suffer while she looks me in the eyes, knowing it was me all along. Me. I know her. I know everything there is to know about her and what she did. She thought she could keep things secret, keep me away from her life, and it would save her. It was just a fantasy, which I’m about to snuff out.

Just like I will snuff out her life.

Hauling her body up the stairs proves to be a bit of trouble after having her head-butt the staircase, so I decide to pick her up and carry her myself. “Don’t think this is going to be some regular Copyright 2016 - 2024