Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,14

the first time.

I’m free. I can feel it in my bones, taste the freshness on my tongue, hear it in the rustling of the leaves, and smell the freedom. It’s heaven.

Until I realize that I had only one goal. One reason. One purpose.

It’s why I wanted out of that prison, and it’s the sole reason why I was in there in the first place.

That woman … she’s mine for the taking now, and I’m coming for her.

The hunt is on.




The guys and I ran all the way through the woods until we found the road. When a car passed by, we stood in front of it to get it to stop. We threatened the driver, stealing his car while leaving him behind. I’m not sorry. He just has bad luck. Plus, he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Not my problem. But, lucky for us, we could hitch a free ride toward the nearest city.

We got some supplies at a few stores and went straight back into the woods again, finding the most remote cabin we could. Lucky for the owner, he wasn’t there when we arrived; otherwise, he would’ve been dead by now.

I’m gathering the small amount of weapons we’d stolen from the guards in prison and line them up on the table.

“What you gonna do with those?” Drago asks.

I glance at him. “Not your fucking business.”

He cocks his head. “You trying to steal all the goods, aren’t you?”

“I’m going to follow my own plan,” I say, arranging the weapons by size and weight. “And I don’t want any of you with me.”

“What?” DeLuca says, frowning as he comes closer. “I thought we were a team.”

“We were. You’re on your own now.”

Drago spits on the floor. “Fuck that shit; I didn’t come along just so you could steal everything. That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“The deal was that you could use our underground passage. Now you have,” I say, narrowing my eyes. “I don’t have any more business with the likes of you.”

“Fuck you; you think you can play tough with me?” He cracks his knuckles.

“What? You gonna threaten me here?” I raise an eyebrow. “That’s some big talk coming from a guy like you. I remember that last time I beat your ass, not the other way around.”

“You want some, Sullivan? I fucked up your boy over there. I can do the same to you.”

I raise the only loaded gun I have and hold it to his forehead. “Give it your best shot. You won’t even be able to lift a finger before I’ll blow this fucker into your brain.”

“You wouldn’t …”

“Do you think I care about your life?” I say, shaking my head. “Think again.”

“Stop,” DeLuca says, putting his arm between us. “Fighting won’t help us, guys. We can’t be each other’s enemy out here. Focus on the goal.”

“We achieved the goal. We got out. Now we each go our own way,” I say.

“What about the police?” DeLuca says, looking at me now. “They’ll come looking for us in no time. I bet they’re already out there, searching the country. Our faces have probably appeared on television, too.”

“All the more reason to split up. If they catch us, at least it’s only one and not all,” I say, loading up the rifle.

“That’s true, but …”

“You have more chance of being caught by staying around me than you have if you get out of here right now,” I interrupt.

Drago seems to be listening intently. “Great.”

“So, are you going to get out of my face now, or what?” I say to Drago.

He spits on the floor again. “Fine. I didn’t want to spend any fucking time with pussies like y’all, anyway.”

He stomps toward the door, pulling it open so hard that he almost pulls it from the hinge. “I’m outta here.”

“Fucking finally,” I muse.

He growls. “Don’t think you’ll be rid of me forever, Sullivan. If they come for me, I’ll make sure to point them to you first.”

“Ah, how nice,” I say, not even granting him one last look over my shoulder.

“I hope you die and rot in hell,” he says, and then he slams the door shut.

“I’ll meet you there!” I shout.

“Nix, what are you doing?” DeLuca suddenly asks me. “Splitting us up?”

“I just want him gone.”

“What about me then? You want me gone, too?” he asks, frowning. “I thought we were buds.”

“We are, but I have a mission, and you’re not part of it.” I grab the guns one by one and put them Copyright 2016 - 2024