Staccato (Magnum Opus #2) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,91

didn’t even know that was a thing. God, I wonder if Sarah…but that’s stupid. I’m sure she knows,” Seth answered.

Nik offered a smile in Jay’s direction. “Seth’s sister is going blind. I’m trying to be helpful. You can turn those off though, I’ve seen this movie enough times.”

Jay made a small noise of protest, but Nik hardened his jaw, and a moment later, the voice stopped. It was worth it, just to have a little bit less to focus on as he sank against Adam. He was full now, limbs kind of slow and soft, and when Adam began a slow drag of fingers through his hair, he started to drift.

The scent of his lover, the familiarity of a safe space, it was all he needed before the room faded away, and he sank into unconsciousness.


A kiss to his lips, like he was fairytale royalty being brought back to life, roused him, and his hands drifted up, searching until they found Adam. “How long was I out for?”

“Like the whole movie.” Adam chuckled and kissed him again. “Jay and Seth are out back talking, and I thought we might sneak away before they try to talk us into, like, monopoly or some hetero board game nonsense.”

Nik stretched with a loud groan. “They’re getting along?”

“Like a house on fire,” Adam said. “Well, more friendly than that. It’s nice. I think Seth feels comfortable.”

“Good.” Nik tried to fight back a yawn and failed, his jaw popping with how wide his mouth opened. “Jesus, I didn’t realize how long this week has been.”

“And it’s only Wednesday,” Adam pointed out. “Sorry I didn’t get my guitar out.”

Nik shook his head. “You can take it inside when we get back to my house. Maybe…we can play something together?”

Adam made a small noise, then his arm wrapped around Nik’s waist in a hug. “Yeah.” The word sounded like a concession. “Maybe.”

In the end, they didn’t get to sneak away, but Seth and Jay didn’t try to stop them. Jay invited Seth to hang for as long as he wanted, and then they both said goodbye to Adam and Nik, who were able take their leave without a lot of hesitation.

The drive back to Nik’s house was quiet, but Adam held his hand nearly the entire time. His calloused thumb dragged an absent pattern across his knuckles, and Nik almost let himself drift again before the car rolled to a stop.

“I’ll meet you inside. I just need to dig my bag out of the trunk,” Adam told him.

Nik agreed, then headed inside and remembered to flick on a few of the switches as he made his way to the kitchen sink. He wanted to wash some of the pizza grease off and make a cup of tea, and he knew he was also just delaying a little further. When he told Adam about his job—about Catherine’s complaint, about giving his notice.

His life, and the relationship in it, was hanging in a precarious balance. It could tumble to a rocky death or fall backward into waiting arms, but he didn’t know which way was which.

If he had a plan, maybe things would be easier. If he had any idea what was coming next…

The kettle beeped, finished with the hot water, and he made only one cup for himself since Adam only ever took tea to be polite. The herbal smells revitalized him just a little as he stepped out of the kitchen, and he listened until he heard noise upstairs.

He liked that Adam was comfortable in his home. He liked that Adam had woven himself through Nik’s life, no matter what space he occupied. It felt…right. It felt natural in ways Nik didn’t think would be possible. He had a mess to sort out with Van once their father passed, but maybe it wasn’t such a hardship.

He wanted to leave. The thought wasn’t as striking as he assumed it would be. He wanted out of this town, but the thrilling part was that Adam didn’t seem set on putting down roots. Maybe, if they talked about it, they could consider something. They’d only been together a short while, but it was possible all those stories people told, saying when it was right, you just knew—maybe they were on to something.

Feeling even better, lighter—and not quite ready to talk about it, but at least a plan in hand—Nik ascended the stairs and followed the soft noise of guitar strings. At first, he thought it was just one of the Copyright 2016 - 2024