Staccato (Magnum Opus #2) - E.M. Lindsey Page 0,74

you until you start doing better.”

“It won’t work,” Nik said. His hand brushed along the top of his desk until it found his water bottle, and he took a long pull from the straw before swiping the back of his hand over his mouth. “Van’s tried that on me for years.”

At the sound of Van’s name, Adam flinched, then hated himself for being grateful Nik couldn’t see it. It had been two days since Van’s impromptu visit with Adam at the diner, and as much as Adam had tried to forget it, it had been damn near impossible.”

“Well,” he finally said, “I’ll give it the old college try.” He stole Nik’s water and took a drink before handing it back. “How’s your dad doing, by the way?”

Nik’s expression showed he was aware Adam was changing the subject, but he let it roll. “He’s up and down. He spent all of yesterday sleeping—didn’t even wake up when Van took him dinner. But his nurse called me earlier today to tell me he managed a walk in the gardens.”

“I’m sorry,” Adam said quietly. “I know it’s hard.”

“I feel like a monster for wishing it would just be over,” Nik confessed. He set what was left of his food down and opened the top drawer of his desk, producing a stack of brown fast food napkins and wiped his mouth with one. “This back and forth—this never knowing when it’s going to end…”

“I get it,” Adam said. “I mean, I don’t. I don’t know what that would be like, but I understand.”

Nik chuckled quietly and leaned forward to touch Adam’s knee. “So, burritos and kisses, you said?”

“Oh my god,” Adam breathed out, unable to stop his grin. He set his food aside and let Nik use the sides of his jeans to pull his rolling chair so close, their legs tangled together. “We are in an elementary school. You’re going to get fired. You’re going to get us arrested.” His words stopped with an abrupt huff as Nik ran his flat palm all the way up the inside of Adam’s thigh.

“I don’t have kids for another half hour at least.” His voice was a low rumble, and Adam felt himself throb with want. “I could always climb under the desk and give you a blow job. No one would know.”

“Someone would know if they walked in and saw some trashy punk panting like a tiger in heat at your desk,” Adam countered, but he tilted his hips toward Nik’s hand anyway.

“I love you holding back,” Nik told him. He shifted forward until he was practically in Adam’s lap, fingers pressing to the back of his neck, drawing him close. Their lips were touching, just barely, breaths mingled as Nik spoke. “I love it, because one day you won’t want to anymore, and I’m going to make you come so hard you’re going to cry.”

“Holy shit.” The words came out like Nik had punched them out of him, and he couldn’t stop himself. He took Nik by the wrist and dragged his palm to the burning part of him, desperate to be touched. “I want you.”

“But not here,” Nik said, though it came out almost like a question.

Adam’s resolve was hair-thin, but he managed to swallow thickly and nod. “Not here.”

“Can I at least kiss you again?”

With a laugh, Adam tilted his face in even closer. They were all-but kissing now, even through his answer. “You can always kiss me.”

And then Nik did—a slow, deep, filthy push of tongue into Adam’s mouth. It was the mimic of a fuck, and god, Adam was starving for him. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and he wasn’t quite sure why he was resisting.

“Mr. M…. oh shit.”

Right. That was why.

Adam ripped his mouth away and tried to hide his face from the short, gorgeous man standing in the doorway. He was wearing a white shirt and bowtie with thin, sharp shoulders, a full mouth, wide nose, and a full head of light hair. He had a pink blush dusting across his cheeks, and he looked a mixture of amused and a little concerned.

“Seth,” Nik said, clearing his throat. He rose with his back to the other man, adjusting himself before he turned and leaned against his desk.

Seth swallowed thickly before taking a step into the room, and it was then Adam saw a severe-looking woman peering over Seth’s shoulder with wide, furious eyes. A moment passed, then she used a long-fingered hand to push Copyright 2016 - 2024