Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #4) - Candace Blevins Page 0,24

equitable. It isn’t even BDSM, because there are too many rules to that. It’s just me fucking you when I want and how I want. Sometimes, it might amuse me to give you orgasms and make sure you enjoy it, other times, it will amuse me to hurt you and make you cry. You are never going to confuse normal sex with punishments. What happened earlier was a punishment, and you have to do something wrong in order to get those.”

Call me crazy, but the fact he used words like equitable while explaining that he’s a caveman just endeared him to me even more. Brains and rough sex. Could it get any better?

He brushed a hand over my cheek. “It won’t always matter whether you knew it was a rule ahead of time. I expect you to use common sense. If you know I won’t like something, don’t do it. If your instincts tell you it might be a problem, ask.”

“Have you ever had a normal relationship?”

“High school. I went to college for a business degree, but didn’t finish. I took the relevant classes, but didn’t have time for the bullshit classes, so...” He shrugged. “No degree, but I know what I need to in order to help Mad Dog run the club.”

“Nothing normal past high school?”

“Nope. I found someone smarter and older than me in college and kind of blackmailed her into doing my English papers my freshman year. I now understand I found a submissive in need of someone to boss her around. At the time, I just knew she’d do my homework and give me a blowjob when ordered to. Eventually, she gave me a lot more than blowjobs. I haven’t had a normal relationship since her.”

“Are you still in touch with her?”

“No. We went to Auburn. Last I heard, she married a gazillionaire, and I’m sure he’s keeping her naked and plugged when he isn’t using her. Or I hope he is, since that would make her pretty damned happy.”

I’d never had any kind of relationship. Ever. There was one boy in the ambush I probably would have liked, had it been allowed, but it wasn’t, so we didn’t. When my dad realized how much we talked, he gave the boy to one of my friends. Sex is done in front of watchers when the girl is ovulating. Four times a day. There was no doubt he was having a lot of sex with my friend, and it hurt my heart, even though it wasn’t his fault.

However, I’d had enough sex since I started working at Blaze to know what I like and don’t like. I also knew I wasn’t interested in being bossed around for stuff other than sex. I couldn’t tell whether Squatch understood that or not.

“I like being bossed around when it comes to sex, but I’m not sure how it’s going to work day-to-day, and I’m pretty sure it won’t work for anything outside of sex. If you try to boss me around about everything, we probably won’t last the month, so if I need to talk to you about it before then, you’re going to need to listen to me.”

He grinned. “If I wanted a doormat, I wouldn’t be moving a fucking tiger into my apartment. It’s going to be fine, Kitten.”

I’d never let anyone call me kitten before, but I’d chose Kitty for a stage name, so I couldn’t really bitch about it. Plus, if I was honest, I loved the way it sounded when he said it. I didn’t mind being his kitten.

I like the name Brooke chose for me as well — Natalie James. I never wanted to be called by my real name again. I had a deal with the MC that my face wasn’t in any public promo. When they needed all of us in a picture, I wore a sexy cat mask. I couldn’t take the chance that my family would find me with an image search. I can slightly alter my face for a short time, and I’d done so to get my driver’s license picture. I’d listened in when one of my male cousins was taught how to do it, and I’d secretly learned.

I know there are some shots of me out there, online. The MC doesn’t let people take photos or videos of us on stage, but they don’t stop them from taking pictures in the bachelor party area, and sometimes I’m unknowingly in the background. I was pretty sure none were

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