Spying Under the Mistletoe (Love Undercover #2) - Stina Lindenblatt Page 0,93

jerk of her chest gives it away. “You’re keeping him?”

I nod, then wince as a brief pain rips through my shoulder.

Sympathy and something else shines in her eyes. She releases my hand and cups my cheek.

I turn my head slightly and kiss her palm. “I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.”

“You’re his forever home?”

“That’s right. I’m his forever home.”

She strokes my cheek with her thumb. “Even if something bad might happen to him?”

“Even then.”

Something in the way she smiles tells me she understands the full impact of my words. She leans down and brushes her lips against mine. They linger for a moment. “I love you.”

The words are so soft, I’m not sure I heard them correctly.

My heart beats loud and fast in my chest. If I were still hooked up to a heart rate machine, the nurse would be running in here to check that I’m okay.

Tell her how you feel, my heart implores. Tell her that you love her, too.

My brain has a different view of things. It’s one thing to love an animal and lose them. That’s hard enough. But to lose a person you love, that would be devastating.

Been there. Done that.

And yet here I am, very much alive—bullet hole in my shoulder notwithstanding.

“You can’t be chickenshit when it comes to love just because you’re afraid of losing the person. It means living each day as though it might be her last, making sure each one counts and isn’t wasted.” Jayden’s words rattle around in my head. Like they have for the past forty-eight hours.

“I love you, too.” My voice is low, but there’s no doubt what I said. The words ring loud and clear from deep in my soul. Words that have been there for the past few weeks, waiting for my idiot brain to get with the program.

Chloe and I have both lost people we’ve loved, and yet here we are, still standing.

All right, technically, I’m not standing. I’m lying in a hospital bed thanks to her asshole cousin. But the sentiment remains the same.

Chloe stares at me for a heartbeat, her eyes shiny with hope. Her gaze shifts to the clear bag hanging from the IV pole next to my bed.

I know what she’s thinking, but she couldn’t be any further from the truth. “When it comes to how I feel about you, I’m more than lucid. The drugs pumping in my veins have nothing to do with that.”

“No regrets tomorrow?”

With my free hand, I bring her head to mine. “Definitely no regrets.”

And then we’re kissing.

The best drug around.

I run the tip of my tongue along her lower lip. And it’s like the parting of the red sea. Her mouth opens to my mine, and her tongue meets mine, stroke for stroke.

I have no idea how long we’ve been kissing—maybe a few minutes, maybe a lot longer—when the sound of a creaking hinge penetrates my brain.

I ignore it. Kissing Chloe is much more important than checking who just entered my room. If they know what’s good for them, they’ll turn around and leave.

“Well, I’d say he’s as good as new,” Jayden says, not bothering to keep the amusement from his voice. This is met with a soft laugh that I’m guessing belongs to Isabelle.

“Leave him alone.” If her voice is anything to go by, she’s smiling.

“Yes, leave us alone,” I say as Chloe starts to pull away. “We’re busy.”

“We can see that.” This time the words come from Liam. I look past Chloe to find the entire team, along with Ava, standing in my room.

“You’re definitely looking more with it than you were earlier,” Liam says.

“That must’ve been some magical kiss. She woke up her grumpy Prince Charming.” Isabelle laughs and glances at the ceiling. “And she didn’t even need mistletoe for the magic to happen.”

“Earlier?” I ask.

“I came to check on you this morning,” Liam says. “You were still groggy. I’m not surprised you don’t remember.”

Shit, I hope I didn’t say anything I’ll later regret.

“Are you all here to spring me out of this place?”

The expression on Liam’s face smothers all hope of that. “Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re going to be here for a few days.”

Yeah, I don’t think so. I grab the cover. “I’m good to go now.”

Chloe parks her hand on mine, preventing me from ripping the cover off my lower body. “You were shot in the shoulder and had surgery. You’re not going anywhere for now.” Her thumb strokes against my

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