Spying Under the Mistletoe (Love Undercover #2) - Stina Lindenblatt Page 0,89

and cradle the back his head with my hand. “I’ve got you, Landon,” I say gently. “Lie down so I can check your shoulder.”

Groaning, he shakes his head. “I need to check on Adam.”

“I’ll help him next. But I need you to lie down first. Okay?”

He nods, and with my help, does as I asked. I push myself to my feet and grab a bunch of cotton tops from nearby hangers. I fold them into makeshift pads and gently pry his hand away from his shoulder.

Blood gushes from the wound.


It’s not a big hole, but that doesn’t mean anything if the bullet hit a major blood vessel.

I carefully place a pad of clothing on it. “I need to move you a bit so I can check for an exit wound.”

He nods. The pain on his face clenches my heart like it’s one of Whiskey’s chew toys—minus the high-pitched squeak.

With my help, he moves his upper body enough for me to peer under his shoulder. His shirt is covered in blood, but there doesn’t seem to be an exit wound.

I ease him down again.

“I’m going to check on Adam. Promise me you won’t go anywhere.” The last words feel like they have to push past the squeaky-toy-sized lump in my throat. “And promise me you’ll hold on to the star. Rumor has it, it’s luckier than a shooting star.”

To the casual onlooker, it sounds like I just mean for Landon to stay where he is. But it’s more than that. I’ve already lost three men that I loved, I can’t lose him, too.

Not this way.

When he doesn’t answer, I repeat it. “Promise me, okay?”

“I promise,” he mumbles and tries to move. “Adam.”

I lean down and kiss his forehead. “I love you,” I whisper softly enough so he can’t hear me.

A man crouches next to Landon, his breath fast, as if he’d sprinted here. “I’m an off-duty paramedic. What happened?”

Relief almost knocks me on my butt at his words. “He was shot in the shoulder.” I could kiss the man on the forehead like I did Landon, but he’s got more important things to do—like saving Landon’s life.

The paramedic gaze shifts to Adam. “What about the other man?”

“I was about to check on him.” I crawl over to where Adam’s slumped on the floor. “Hey, Adam.” I shake his shoulders slightly, not enough to really move him. But enough to check if he’s conscious.

He moans in response.

The paramedic is asking Landon questions, and he tells Landon his name. Rob.

Kiera, back in her regular clothes, joins us, pale and shaking, and stands by Adam’s feet.

Her gaze shifts from Adam to Landon and then to the guns next to them. Her eyes widen in fear. “Shouldn’t we get those guns away from them before they hurt anyone else?”

“They’re the good guys,” I say, examining Adam’s body for additional signs of injury. “Where the hell is the ambulance?”

“It’s on its way,” a man in a uniform says, approaching. Mall security. “The cops, too.” He hands me a first aid kit, gun drawn. “Is the other man alive?” He nods in Nikolai’s direction.

Rob looks up at me, and then at where the security guard had gestured.

I shake my head. “No, he’s dead.” My voice cracks into a hundred pieces, but I’m not sure for who, exactly. The man who I haven’t seen in many years, or for the boy who was at one time my world.

“Why were they shooting at Santa?” Kiera asks, voice trembling. “Since when did the good guys try to kill Santa?”

Since Santa tried to kill them first.

I have no idea if Landon and Adam realized Santa was Nikolai in disguise, or they shot at him simply because he fired at them first.

“Hey, Adam,” I say. “Can you hear me?”

“Where’s Landon?” His voice is barely loud enough to be heard over the chatter of freaked out customers. I can hear a man tell everyone to stay back, to give us space.

“He’s right here. He’s okay. You’re both going to be okay.” I glance over at Rob, but he’s too busy dealing with Landon to confirm that I’m right.

God, please tell me I’m right.

“I need you to call Ava and tell her Landon and Adam have been shot,” I tell Kiera. “She’ll know what to do.”

Kiera moves away to make the call.

Adam pushes himself to sit.

I put my hands on his shoulders. “Hey, you need to lie down until the paramedics arrive.”

“I’m fine, Chloe.” He looks over at Landon. “He’s in way worse shape

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