Spying Under the Mistletoe (Love Undercover #2) - Stina Lindenblatt Page 0,38

in my gut and wraps me in its icy blanket. “Are you sure the students will be safe?”

“We’re taking extensive precautions,” Landon says. “In addition to Isabelle and Adam, we have two other men watching the building from outside.”

Isabelle’s lips move into what I’m assuming is supposed to be a reassuring smile. “No one will do anything to harm you or anyone else at the school. We’ll make sure of it.”

I hope she’s right, because I didn’t escape my former life only for it to be the cause of my death. That would further add to the suckage of spending Christmases without my mother and Nikolai for the past six years.

Doing my best to lock away my panic in a metal box, I smile at them. If Landon trusts his colleagues can keep me safe, then I need to give them the same level of faith, too.

“Well, it’s nice meeting you.” I make a show of checking the time on the wall clock. “I should go and set up for the morning.”

I release Landon’s hand and immediately miss its warm strength. His hand goes to the small of my back, and his thumb lightly caresses the skin under my blouse. Even though we’re not talking skin-on-skin contact, a hum of electricity migrates through me from the spot.

It’s been forever since my body responded to a man that way.

And look how that turned out.

Oh, well.

Fortunately, I’m aware that what Landon and I have is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. He’ll be gone once I’m safe again. There are no expectations of happily ever afters.

Too bad I can’t tell my best friend that.

Kiera flashes me a look that screams, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” It’s the fifth time she’s done that in the past ten minutes while the four of us—including Landon—eat lunch in the staff room.

“Maybe I’m using him for sex,” I blurt, half joking.

Three pairs of eyes—two wide as paper plates, one crinkled with suppressed laughter—stare back at me.

Oops. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

Especially when he and I won’t actually be having sex.

Never mind that this sex dry-spell is growing old.

Way beyond old.

I shrug at their expressions. I mean, what can I say? Kiera is going to believe Landon and I are having sex, regardless of what I tell them. That’s a perk of being in a relationship.

They know I’m not a virgin.

They know I’m not waiting for “The One” before having sex.

But on the other hand, Kiera also knew that I wasn’t interested in having any more men in my life. And she also knows I’m not into one-night stands.

Neither of us is.

“So you’re telling me the only reason you moved in with him is for sex?” Kiera looks as though she’s not sure if she should be shocked or burst out laughing.

“Of course not. I moved in with him because he’s a nice guy.”

Ava coughs, which I suspect was to mask the laugh that erupted from her. She presses her fist to her mouth and pretends to cough again.

“Because he’s a nice guy?” Kiera annunciates each word slowly.

“And he has a cute puppy,” I add, a small shrug in my tone.

That’s all it takes. Ava cracks up, almost doubling in half from laughing so hard.

“Well, Whiskey is cute.” I fail to keep the touch of defensiveness from my voice.

I look at Landon for confirmation. He’s only doing slightly better than Ava when it comes to his suppressed laughter.

“She’s right,” he says. “Whiskey is cute. But I’m hoping she likes me for more than just my dog.”

“Yes, apparently she likes you due to the sex,” Kiera says drily.

Is it too late to hide under the table?

“There’s a lot more to Landon than that.” I gesture to the table currently obscuring his man parts. The man parts I saw on display a few hours ago—in case Kiera needs me to describe them. “He’s a good cook. He’s funny. And sweet. And good with kids. And is smart.”

“Those aren’t good enough reasons for moving in with a man two days after you meet him,” Kiera says. “If he was merely your roommate because you need a place to live, then fine. I could see that. But the last I’ve heard, you aren’t being evicted from your apartment, the building didn’t burn down last night, and the pipes haven’t burst, forcing you out of your home.”

Damn. Why didn’t Landon and I think of the burst-pipe excuse? That would’ve made more sense.

Right—it still wouldn’t have flown

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