Spring Secrets - Allie Boniface Page 0,16

to school together?”

“No, I’m from Silver Valley. And Polly’s from Pennsylvania. So that’s not it.” Harmony snapped her fingers. “Wait a minute! You’re the one that got that award, right? To go to England or something? I saw it in the paper.”

Sienna nodded.

“That’s pretty amazing. Congrats.” She continued to study Sienna. “But that’s not it. Hey...have I seen you at Springer Fitness? Just recently?”

A lump of bagel lodged itself in Sienna’s throat. “Ah, yes. A couple of times. Not on a regular basis or anything. I’m just taking some self-defense classes.”

Harmony ran her fingers through her hair. “Is Dash the one training you? I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to sign up for a regular membership down there. If he comes with the monthly fee, then I’m all in.” She winked and reapplied bright pink lipstick.

“Ah, yes.” Sienna’s traitorous heart thumped as she swallowed away her jealousy. How many other women in town thought the same about him? Signed up for gym memberships just to be near him?

All of them. Get in line.

“Ooh, then I’m in.” Harmony checked her phone. “I’m not meeting my future husband here at work, I’ll tell you that much.”

“Are you trying to?”

Polly laughed. “Of course she is. Harmony’s always on the hunt.”

“What’s wrong with that? It’s not like I want to spend my whole life working.” Harmony shrugged. “Call me old-fashioned, but I want a husband and kids. Preferably before I turn thirty.”

Sienna refrained from asking how much time that gave her. She would’ve guessed Harmony had already passed that milestone. Her cell phone buzzed, and she glanced down to see Springer Fitness on the screen. Her cheeks went hot. He’s texting me? How does he have my number?

Then she realized she’d written it down in at least two different places on the forms she’d filled out at the gym. It’s nothing. Probably just confirming tomorrow’s training session. He’d made it pretty clear yesterday that he wasn’t interested in anything more. Maybe it wasn’t Dash at all. Maybe it was an automated text message thanking her for joining. She tore her eyes away from her phone.

“Bye,” Polly said as they got up to leave. “Hope your afternoon goes better than your morning did.”

“Me too,” Sienna answered, but they were already gone. She pulled out her phone and read the text message.

I know we aren’t scheduled until tomorrow. But could u stop by 2day?

It was from Dash. She bit her lip and read the message three more times, trying to decipher the message behind the words. Was this strictly a business text? Or a personal one? Had he changed his mind about the kiss? Did he want to see her? Or was he cutting off their training sessions and only figured he should tell her in person?

Finally she typed Sure, see you around 4 and put the phone in her pocket. And told herself not to count the hours until she saw him again.

Chapter Eight

Dash ordered supplies, interviewed two potential trainers, taught a kickboxing class, and then spent two hours answering emails, all in an effort to try and keep his mind off Sienna. None of it worked. When she finally walked into the gym a little after four, he’d gone over the conversation so many times in his head, he wasn’t sure which version might come out.

“Hi, there,” she said.

Did she ever not look gorgeous? She wore a simple ponytail, minimal makeup and a plain turtleneck sweater and jeans, but her hazel eyes sparkled, and her smile made him want to abandon all reason and take her right there on the counter.

Count to ten.

Get a hold of yourself.

She deserves better than you.

Slowly, by degrees, he got his head back where it belonged. “Hi yourself.”

“How’s business?” She looked around.

“It’s okay. Always slow in the afternoons. It picks up at night after most people are off work.”

She nodded. “So...about yesterday. Is that why you texted?”

“I’m sorry,” he said in a rush. It always seemed best to apologize to women straight off. He cracked his knuckles. Bad nervous habit he’d picked up ages ago, but he couldn’t help it. “I’m just thinking it’s better if we don’t go down that road.”

“Which road is that, exactly?”

“I try not to get involved with my clients. It makes things...” Complicated. Messy. He wasn’t sure which word to use.

“You want to keep things professional,” she finished for him.

“Well, yeah. You’re going to England in a few months.” He spread his hands wide. “And I’ve got a lot on my plate

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