Spitting off tall buildings - By Dan Fante Page 0,41

I was fine. After my fourth week in Harry’s chair with the earphones, in an evaluation, I told him that #1, I had lost all desire for alcohol (which was true), and #2, I seemed to have given up most of my thoughts about killing myself or anyone else. Harry was pleased but insisted that we continue with the hypnotism treatments.

Then things changed again.

One afternoon, on an off day from the chair and headphones, I was waiting in the lounge of the Oriental Massage in Times Square; waiting to spend an hour with Sandy, the pretty Korean hooker. The day before I’d cashed my second Workman’s Comp check. Another two hundred and thirty-two bucks. Having quit alcohol I was celebrating receiving the money by letting myself get a massage and a blow job, then going to the movies to eat buttered popcorn and watch the newest Clint Eastwood.

It was a few minutes past one o’clock. Sandy always started work at one. I knew that. I had paid my up-front massage money and I was sitting in the lobby waiting.

Time passed and I had to pee. The woman behind the partition with the plastic window was also Korean and spoke bad American. She let me know that Sandy would be along. ‘Pretty soon. Sandy come soon. You wait. Pretty soon.’

Some more time went by with me still sitting in the lobby and no Sandy. I returned to the plastic window and asked to be let inside to use the john. The lady smiled and nodded, but misunderstood what I was asking, so I went back and sat down.

Then a guy came in. An older guy in a dark suit and tie. Asian. But he didn’t sit down.

When the partition lady saw the guy in the suit she got up, left her stool, and disappeared back inside.

A minute later Sandy opened the door and came out into the lobby, which was unusual because I’d never seen any of the girls came out front. Like always, she smiled and looked sexy and beautiful. Like always, she was in her black silk robe with the black panties underneath. But my favorite thing with Sandy, the real turn-on, was her red red lipstick.

While the other guy stood there, she came over and sat down next to me on the couch, grabbed my hand, kissed me, and pressed the hard little nipple of her tit into my upper arm.

She was whispering. She wanted me to know how very happy she was to see me again. She giggled about missing me and my funny jokes.

Then she kissed me again, harder this time, deeper, sliding her tongue under my tongue. After the kiss she looked up at me - she had big eyes. Sandy wanted to know if I would mind coming back later that day, or maybe even later that night. She was sorry, she said, the man in the suit was a very big tipper. Japanese. He didn’t like waiting. If she didn’t take him right away ahead of me he would leave and she would lose a very big and impressive tip. Then she kissed me again and handed me back my massage fee - a twenty and a ten; ‘You come back later. Okay, baby?’

I looked up at the guy, standing there with his arms crossed staring at the ceiling, impatient, like some spoiled jerkoff waiting in front of the Plaza Hotel for his limo.

My mind started talking. First it suggested that I act nice and just get up and leave. Be a good guy. Walk out. No problem. Sandy would be grateful and when I came back next time she would demonstrate her thanks by doing some special sexual favor for me. But that message was overridden by a second quick message. The new message said: ‘Fuck these cocksuckers! Fuck them for embarrassing you and treating you like a second-class piece-of-shit trick.’ Added to this message was the information that within a few minutes after I’d gone the other man - the rich Japanese guy - would be licking and kissing Sandy, fingering her pussy; maybe even feeling her tongue on his butthole. I began to experience a wrenching in my stomach accompanied by the bite of something sour in my throat.

I looked over at Sandy. Then at the face of the partition lady and then over at the big tipper. It didn’t matter any more. None of it. Fuck it!

I stood up and unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick. Sandy

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