Spirit Rebellion: The Legend of Eli Monpress_ Book 2 - By Rachel Aaron Page 0,138

cowardly to embrace your true power.

But Nico wasn’t listening anymore. Slowly, painfully, she sat up. Sted was still on the ground, clutching his bleeding arm. He looked up when he heard her move, his eyes murderous.

“That’s it, monster,” he growled, pushing himself up. He rolled his neck, popping his dislocated shoulder back into place. “No more running. Now you die.”

I can finish him for you if you get behind him now, the voice whispered. Don’t be an idiot.

Nico clenched her fists and held her ground, watching Sted’s approach with glowing eyes.

Why keep pretending you have a chance without me? the voice said softly. Everything that makes you worthwhile, your speed, your toughness, your strength, the ability to move through shadows, it all comes from me. Do you think Josef would keep you around if I wasn’t with you? The thief certainly wouldn’t. He tolerates you only so long as you’re useful. Face it, little girl, I am what makes your life worth living. Without me you’re nothing but a stupid, weak, ugly creature. No one likes you. No one cares if you live or die, except me.

Nico pressed her eyes closed, willing the voice away, but it went on, smooth and dark, seeping into her mind. You think that by ignoring me you can somehow change things? Do you think you’ve done any of this on your own? No. I have given you everything, gifts beyond measure, power beyond your deserving. I have saved your life more times than I can count. You’ve been using my power from the very beginning. Why deny it now? I want to live just as much as you do, so let me help you. All you have to do is let me in, let me control you, take care of you, and you’ll never have to be weak again.

“Shut up!” Nico screamed. The words ripped out of her, and even Sted paused, taken aback.

“This is my body,” Nico said. “Since I can remember, all you’ve done is make everything think I’m a monster. There’s no place for you here. So just shut up and go away!”

The warehouse fell silent. Sted was watching her warily, looking for a trap, but Nico couldn’t have attacked even if she’d been planning to. Her body was lead beneath her, frozen in place as the dark thing began to crawl back into the well of her soul.

No place, you say? The voice was haughty and cold, sliding like wire through her mind. After everything I’ve given you… It sighed in disgust. I think it’s time for you to learn, little girl, just how worthless you are without me.

She felt a faint pressure, like a hand on her mind, and then the voice was gone. Suddenly, Nico could move again, and scarcely in time, for Sted was standing over her, his glowing sword washing everything with its blood-red light. Nico flinched and slid sideways to escape into the shadows.

Nothing happened. She blinked in confusion. Jumping through shadows was something she did as easily as breathing. She’d never really thought about how she did it, but now… it was like a door had closed. Even as this realization took root in her head, she felt something else she wasn’t accustomed to feeling—pain. Crippling pain shot up her limbs, running in long, burning lines across her chest, her arms, her face as the cuts Sted had landed during their fight, cuts that had healed instantly, reopened. All at once, blood was everywhere. Her head felt heavy and dark, and even the red light of Sted’s sword began to dim as her vision darkened, yet she could not escape. The shadows were closed to her. Her body felt small and weak and beaten, and she knew without testing that her strength was gone as well, along with everything the demonseed had given her.

She had just one moment to look up and watch the shadow of Sted raise his blade before the jagged sword tore into her. Pain exploded through her body, and Nico felt herself flying, carried by the force of the blow. She landed on her back, skidding across the floor until, finally, she hit a crate and lay still. The pain was blinding, overwhelming, and it was all she could do to keep breathing in tiny wheezing gasps. The world was getting darker, colder, and further away.

She gasped, choking on her blood. But even as she desperately fought for breath, the voice spoke in her ear.

It doesn’t have to end like

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