Spirit (Blackwood Security, #10.5) - Elise Noble Page 0,18

gave it away?”

“I’m a private investigator myself, and if I saw that listing, it would certainly have warranted another look. And presumably you have a specialist subject you went to speak about?”

Valerie nodded. “I’m a genetic genealogist. It’s quite a niche area, which is why it was so vital for me to go to the conference. At the moment, few people understand how powerful genetics can be when it comes to researching your family tree.”

My ears pricked up. Family tree?

“Tell me more.”

“About Spencer?”

“Yes, but first I’d like to know about this family tree research. Could you find, say, the birth family of a woman who was adopted as a child?”

“If a relative has DNA in one of the public databases, then there’s an excellent chance. That’s where genetic genealogy has an advantage over the more traditional techniques. Many adoption records are sealed, and sometimes, relatives don’t even realise a sibling was placed with another family. But mitochondrial DNA gets passed down through generations, as do Y chromosomes, and… You probably don’t need to know all the details, do you?”

Holy fuck. Had two of my tarnished stars finally aligned?

“Not really, but I’d like to hire you for a job.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m trying to find somebody, and if you can assist, it’d save me a whole lot of trouble.”

“A relative?”

“No, no, nothing to do with my family.” By a freakish twist of fate, I’d already found my own missing half-sister and father a year ago. Some you win, some you lose. “It’s related to another Project Mistletoe wish. The requester wants to find a sister who may or may not exist. Yeah, yeah, I know it might be impossible, but I’m happy to pay an hourly rate and you’d be doing me a huge favour.”

I laid it on a bit thick. I’d gladly give Valerie money to help her get back on her feet, but I got the impression that accepting charity didn’t sit comfortably with her. If she felt as though she’d earned it…

“Really? Well, of course I could take a look, but I wouldn’t charge anything, not after everything you’ve done for Chay and me.”

“You can, and you will. And you’re welcome to stay here while you’re working.”

“That’s too much. This place, it’s beautiful.”

“Beautiful? Have you seen the gargoyles? Look, it’s massive, and right now, it’s just me and my husband living here.” And Black was still stuck in Africa because something had come up in Morocco and he needed to do some actual work. Surely there had to be karma at play? “And Bradley’s staying here most nights because he’s determined to take over the world with tinsel. As I said, we can arrange alternative accommodation if you prefer, but Riverley’s safer than any hotel.”

“If you’re sure…”

“Positive. Now, back to Spencer—what happened at your old place? Did he try the same trick? Force you into his car?”

“He tried, but my landlady came home and threatened to call the cops, and when that didn’t stop him, she started waving her Colt .45 around. Holy crap, it was terrifying. Dottie’s a real sweetheart, but her eyesight’s awful. She nearly ran me over in the driveway once.”

“Look on the bright side—you lived to tell the tale.”

Valerie blew out a long breath. “Yes, and she did take me to Crossroads. We’ll both miss her. It was the first place in years where I’d felt hope for the future.”

“What about your family?”

“My family… It’s complicated. I don’t have close family, not anymore. I lost my mom and dad in a car crash when I was young, and my paternal grandma raised me.” Honestly, I wished I hadn’t asked. Surely Valerie would run out of tears soon? “But she passed soon after my eighteenth birthday. And then I met Spencer, and I wish with all my heart that I hadn’t.”

“What about your mom’s side of the family?” Dan piped up.

For crying out loud… Couldn’t she let this subject die a death?

“That’s the complicated part. My mom was Sioux, but she moved to Des Moines before I was born. And she never mentioned her family, at least, not that I remember, so I started wondering where I’d come from. That was how I got into genealogy. To try and find my own relatives.”

“And did you find them?”

“Yes, and then I realised why my mom left the reservation. I have a cousin who’s nice, and I made friends with some of Mom’s old neighbours, but my uncles really aren’t the kind of people I’d want Chay to spend

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