Spinster Ever After (The Spinster Chronicles #7) - Rebecca Connolly Page 0,64

it is perfectly right,” Georgie assured her. “Mr. Riley does not need to be proposing from the first moment he meets you and continuously until you accept.”

Charlotte snickered at the idea of Mr. Riley doing something so ridiculous, like one of the dandies of London. “I cannot see him doing any such thing. Going to his knees and dramatically asking for my hand or begging me to be his wife. He’s got far too much taste and sense for any such thing.”

Her friend dipped her chin in a knowing nod. “You see? You have grown so accustomed to receiving proposals from any man who has spent three minutes in your company that you cannot recognize the genuine attentions of a gentleman worth considering. Once you are both more sure of your feelings, you may be surprised by the speed at which things happen, but there is no set timeline, Charlotte. You must do away with the idea that there is some sort of deadline to love or courtship. It will not be any less sweet if Mr. Riley should propose next spring if it means that he is convinced you are the perfect choice for him.”

Charlotte’s cheeks heated at the idea of Mr. Riley feeling so much for her. They had seen each other almost every day, but she couldn’t say it had been for an excessive amount of time. He was always very cognizant and aware of the time he spent at her home during calling hours, and whenever they met in the park on a walk, which seemed to happen more regularly, he took great care that a respectable amount of time be spent together, and did not overextend it.

It all sounded very polite when she thought of it in such terms, but she would not have called Mr. Riley a particularly polite man. He was never rude, of course, and would never come close to earning such an insult, but he did have a bit of a wicked sense of humor that rendered him just amusing enough to keep around, for the surprise, if nothing else. When he and Charlotte had spent too much time together, they were quite the amusing pair. No one else would be able to attest to any such thing, as they hadn’t been out in public much, but they soon would be. What might they become with even more exposure to each other?

Charlotte sighed as she thought of him, smiling to herself.

“What is that smile for?” Georgie demanded.

“I’m simply smiling!” Charlotte insisted, tucking her thoughts of Mr. Riley into the deepest recesses of her heart.

“And the sigh?”

Charlotte quirked a brow. “An exhale with audible aspects. Nothing more.”

Georgie’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t believe you. You are hiding something, and I insist that you tell me what it is.”

“All right, Miranda,” Charlotte replied pointedly.

Georgie gasped dramatically, then burst out laughing. “Oh, very well, I’ll leave off teasing you and prying. I’m only hopeful and encouraged where Mr. Riley is concerned. Is that too much?”

“Not at all,” Charlotte assured her. “You are a true friend, and I am anxious for him to meet you, to meet all of the Spinsters, so that you might all like him as well.”

“I already like him,” Georgie laughed. “The moment you find it acceptable, I’ll invite him here for supper. I think he and Tony might find a friend in each other, and it would do well for Tony to have other friends than Morton or Hensh.”

Charlotte grinned mischievously. “Why does he need to spend less time with Hensh?”

“He doesn’t. Only Hensh seems determined to spend all of his time with the Mortons, and Tony feels quite left out.”

“Hensh has a plan, and he is determined to see it through.” Charlotte smirked to herself. “Good man. I’ll have to do more to enhance my chances of winning. New tactics, and greater effort.”

Georgie frowned. “Winning what? What tactics? What have you and Hensh done?”

Charlotte only smiled all the more cheekily. “Never you mind. What are your thoughts on chaperoning me to the theater this week?”

Chapter Fifteen

Behavior at the theater ought to be studied with more focus and interest. This author could tell all sorts of tales from observation alone, but why risk the ruination of so many?

-The Spinster Chronicles, 16 July 1817

“Are you certain we may use the box? It is no trouble to me to sit in the general seats, you know. I am quite used to such things.”

Michael smiled down at Diana for at least the fifth time

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