Spiked by Love (Bellevue Bullies #6) - Toni Aleo Page 0,3

Love who you want.

Though I also think it was really because Asher is so damn good. He is just wonderful. So easy to talk to. Funny as hell. Loves his parents and his siblings. He makes everyone feel special, and he’s romantic. He’s everything I want, but for some reason, I keep hooking up with total assfucks. No one has ever measured up to Asher. He’s pure good, and because of that, I want to protect him. Not saying Angie would hurt him, and he could probably use a random hookup, but I don’t know… It doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t want him with anyone I know. It’s easier that way. I don’t know why it’s easier, but it is.

The rest of practice goes by fast, and after showering, I head to the airport. I can’t wait to see him. It’s been almost nine months since I’ve seen his face, and it seems like years. After parking and finding my way to the spot where he’ll exit the terminal, I take my sign out of the bag and hold it up. He texted me that he was on his way, so I know he’s coming soon. I can’t wait for him to see my sign. I’m basically bouncing on my toes as I wait. Each person who comes out, I hold my breath, hoping it’s him. It seems like hours, but it’s only minutes, and then I see him.

When he left for school three and a half years ago, he was skinny and dorky-looking. Gone is that boy; I’m pretty sure he ate him. Now, at almost six two, Asher is built like a hockey player instead of a scoreboard engineer. He’s the guy who can fix any jumbotron in any arena. I’m pretty sure the only reason he came back to Nashville was because he would have a job with the Assassins. I really didn’t think he would settle here; there are way more arenas in California, and he wouldn’t have to live with his sisters. Problem is, his ex wouldn’t move out of their apartment. She said they could be roommates.

Asher would have rather taken a fist up the ass than do that.

He has dusty-brown hair, lighter now from the California sun. His blazing gray eyes aren’t hiding behind his thick-rimmed black glasses. He has contacts now, and that pisses me off because I loved his glasses. His face is made up of hard features, his shoulders are huge as hell, and those lips…they’re thick and luscious. He squints at my sign, and I grin wider. My mom tried to talk me out of it, but I knew he would get a kick out of it.


As I knew would happen, a huge grin covers his face, and my heart stops. His laughter fills the airport as he comes toward me. I would go to him, but he’s still behind the security desk.

“You’re such an ass.”

I’m breathless. I feel like crying, I’ve missed him so much, but I’ve planned this welcome for so long. “I hid the pornos and cleared out all the sex toys. We’ll make it the full thirty days!” I joke, and he shakes his head. Finally, he’s within reach, and he drops his bags as I jump into his arms, hugging him tightly. I wrap my legs around his waist, and it’s almost unreal. He used to be smaller than me, and now he’s huge. He hugs me just as hard, and to bystanders, we probably look like long-distance lovers. I want to correct them, but what’s the point? They don’t matter. Only we matter.

When he pulls back, his blazing gray gaze meets mine. “Really? Sex rehab?”

I grin from ear to ear. “I had to get you back for the mental rehab sign when I came to see you.”

He snorts. “Oh yeah, that was a good one.”

“I thought so.”

He beams. “I missed you, Ally T.”

My heart soars. “I missed you, Ash B.”

His laughter thrills me as he pulls me in close, and I hug his neck tightly. I nuzzle my face in his neck, getting overwhelmed by his cologne. Suddenly, I remember why it is so easy for me when he is gone.

I’m not reminded of how completely and utterly in love with him I am.

Chapter Two


I didn’t realize how much I missed Ally until I have her in my arms.

I’ve missed her, of course; she’s been my best friend for years. But it was hard to

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