Sparrow’s Flight by Jenika Snow Page 0,48

ago.” He led them back toward the front door, and the porch creaked beneath the combined weight of the three of them. Mason lifted his arm and felt around the doorframe, and she heard the sound of metal running along wood. He lowered his arm and showed them the single key he held.

“You seriously kept the spare above your doorframe?” Asher snorted when Mason grinned. Once the door was unlocked and Mason pushed it fully open, the scent of stale air and dust filled her nose. She held off on a sneeze and twitched her nose from side to side. There was no light aside from what came through the few windows sporadically placed. Asher shut the door behind her, and for a moment, no one spoke or moved. But then Mason jumped into action.

“Ash, let’s do a quick sweep. There are two rooms in the back and a bathroom down the hall.” Mason turned and looked at her. “Stay here, baby.”

They were moving through the cabin before she could even respond. The sound of their footsteps moving through the rooms and of their voices murmuring that everything was clear drowned out everything else. They were back in front of her only minutes later.

“It’s all good.” Mason smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her. He moved into the kitchen and started checking the cupboards. “Over the years, I’ve been stockpiling this place.” He bent down on his haunches, ran his finger along the underside of the cabinet, and a clicking, followed by a popping noise filled the air right before a small door popped out from the ground.

Mason reached out and pulled the small door open. The space inside was not very large, but inside was stacked with canned goods, dried beans and rice, and even dehydrated meat and fruits.

“I put this trapdoor here to utilize space.” Mason grinned up at them, but she was already smiling like a fool. “I have a cistern out back, but I’ll need to check it out. The shed has firewood and more canned goods along with jugs of fresh water. My plan had been to stay here a very long time.” She reached out and took his hand, and he gave it a squeeze. But there was only peace and acceptance in his eyes. She knew he would never be fully healed, but she hoped the three of them could work toward a beautiful, fresh future.

“Come here, you two.” She looked at Asher for only a second before moving toward Mason. He wrapped her in his arms, lifted her head with a finger under her chin, and brought his mouth to hers.

When she was good and heated, nice and aroused, because this man knew exactly how to stroke her with only his tongue so she was putty in his hands, she inhaled deeply. He gently broke the kiss, smiled down at her again, and looked at Ash. He pulled the other man forward and claimed his mouth in a more aggressive manner, but not lacking the sensuality and caring that he had given her.

She felt her throat tighten in desire as she watched their mouths separate only the barest of spaces, and how they slowly stuck their tongues out, twirling them around together. There was a thin line of saliva from tongue to tongue that kept them connected as they finally pulled apart, but they only looked at each other for a moment before slowly turning their heads in her direction. She was aroused beyond belief, but it wasn’t the time for what she really wanted to do, and she could see in their eyes they knew that as well.

Mason and Asher pulled away from each other. “I think we could all use some sleep. I’ll lock everything up, but until we know for sure we are secure up here, there is still the risk of drifters.”

Asher nodded and ran a hand over his hair. “Yeah, I’m dead weight on my feet right now.”

For a moment when her arousal spiked, she had forgotten about the exhaustion that ran right down to her bones. Sleep was good, very, very good. Mason locked up the front door, checked the few windows, and gestured for them to follow him to the back of the cabin.

“We need to install some shutters on the inside for starters.” He pushed open a door at the end of the hall, and she followed them into a pretty large room.

There was one bed in the center of the room Copyright 2016 - 2024