Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,7

play him for money.

“How long have you been with Lola?”

I glance at Logan. “Four years.”

“Is she your old lady?”

I chuckle at him and shake my head. “No. But she’s mine.”

“Mom said you probably share her around.”


Sean laughs. “He’d fuck anyone up that even looks at Lola the wrong way. Why do you think he’s here, kid? He’d never go to all this trouble for a fuck.”

“Enough!” I hold up my hand to Sean. “Logan, I have footage of Lola being knocked out and put into a van. She didn’t go willingly. If I show you the recording, do you think you’d know who they were?”

Logan shrugs. “Lola can take care of herself.”

“You keep saying that.”

He shrugs again. “I’ve been here for over three months, and she’s visited me twice. Keeps calling and saying she’s going to talk to you about me. But you didn’t even know I existed before today, did you?”

There’s so much hurt in his eyes.

“No, she didn’t tell me about you. I don’t know why.” Finding the footage on my cell, I hit play and hold it out for him. “Just watch.”

When it’s finished, he puts his hands to his eyes and rubs them. “They weren’t supposed to hurt her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Do you know them?”

He nods and looks at me, and then his eyes go to the door of the bar. Logan tenses and I follow his gaze to a guy who’s just walked in.

Without turning his head, Sean asks Logan. “Is that him?”

“Yeah. He’s the one with the black jacket on.”

Sean nods, taps the table then stands. I only have eyes for David, and when his gaze connects with mine, his eyes widen, and he runs for the door.

Fuck it.

We all move, and I grab Logan by the arm, propelling him with me. The kid doesn’t try to resist, which I’m thankful for. It’s dark out, and we peel off in three different directions searching for David. A car starts, and with a screech of burning rubber it leaves the parking lot. I’m on the back of my bike, and Logan climbs on behind me. For a kid who didn’t want to have anything to do with us, he seems all-in now. I don’t wait for Sean or Cutter and follow the car into the dark night.

David makes a series of turns as he tries to lose us. I turn off my headlight in an attempt to make him think he’s succeeded. It’s a dangerous move, especially with a kid on the back of my bike, but I need to find Lola. Eventually, the car pulls into a warehouse, where he quickly shuts the doors. I park, pull out my cell, and call Sean.

“Where the fuck are you?”

“I’m over in the industrial part of town, where your friend Chilli works. I think I’m one street over from his garage.”

Chilli is an acquaintance of Sean’s who chops up cars and sells them. We use him from time to time if we can’t get a specific part for a car.

“Come in quietly.” I pull the cell away from my ear and stare at Logan. “Can you wait at the end of the street for Sean?” He nods, climbs off my bike, and jogs away. “Logan will be waiting at the end of the street.”

“You sure the kid won’t leave you high and dry?”

“Nah, there’s something going on with him. He’ll tell us soon enough.”

Climbing off my bike, I put my cell in my jacket and jog toward the building. There are no windows out front, so I make my way around the side of the building. There isn’t any noise emanating from inside, but I can see light shining through a window at the far end, so I make my way down an alley to it. Peering inside, I find David leaning against the trunk of his car, cell phone in hand, and he puts it to his ear. From my position, I can’t hear what he’s saying, but from the way he’s waving his arms around, I can tell he’s not happy.

David hangs up and puts his cell in his jacket pocket. He runs his hands over his face a couple of times, then goes into what appears to be an office. I jog back to the front of the building as Sean, Cutter, and Logan arrive on foot. Their bikes must be parked at the end of the street.

“I couldn’t see anyone else in there. Cutter, you go around back, find a way Copyright 2016 - 2024