Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,48

pasta are hanging. Walking over, I inspect the irregular pasta.

“Looks like a cross between angel hair and fettuccine, but it looks good.”

Logan smiles and puffs up his chest. “I did that on purpose.”

Lola laughs and shakes her head. “Sure, you did.”

Logan smirks at his mother, and she ruffles his hair. The interaction between the two of them makes me smile.

“I’m going to go shower. Have you two got this?”

“Yeah, babe, we got this,” replies Lola while Logan nods and grins.


The last two days have been good. But it’s like I’m waiting for the bomb to drop, for my newfound world to implode, and from the way Kyle keeps staring at me, there’s more he needs to say or show me. I’m not made of glass. I am so much stronger than that. Sure, I’m a little broken right now, but I’m mending both mentally and physically. Kyle is sitting out back in the sun, coffee cup in his hands, looking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Logan is watching television in the family room. So, I fix myself a coffee and go sit next to Kyle. His hand instinctively goes to my leg, and he purses his lips but remains silent. I’ve seen him charge full steam ahead into most situations, and it’s a rare thing to see him think about what he wants to say.

“Share your burden.”

He gazes at me, one side of his lips go up at the corner, and he quirks an eyebrow at me. “You sound like Da.”

“I wish I’d met him.”

Kyle sits back and nods. “Me, too.”

He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again. Kyle straightens then stares straight ahead. “Lola, there’s something I need to tell you.” Kyle puts his cup down and twists to stare at me. “Do you know what your family did?”

“Used me to get to you?”

“And the rest?” Kyle’s hand goes to the side of my neck, and his thumb rubs my jawline.

I shake my head. “No.”

“Your mother and your brothers made a deal with the Rochas. They made them believe that the Loyal Rebels were involved.” His hand falls away.

“But we don’t do drugs.”

Kyle nods. “They knew you were mine and that they were your family. The Rochas assumed that we were down with the deal.”

“But everyone knows.”

“Apparently not. Wheels has been friendly with them.” Kyle sits back and scrubs a hand over his face. “Deedee now belongs to Cristiano. It’s a fucking mess. Wheels turned up at the clubhouse. Cutter called… he’s been on a bender. They’re trying to sober him up so they can take him out to his kids. Beth’s been taking care of them.”

Beth, Sean’s woman, is country through and through. She says what she means and means what she says. I’ve watched her call Sean out on his bullshit, and I’ve watched her melt when he talks to her. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for him, and her motherly instinct would’ve kicked in the moment those children were brought into their home. Wheels may never get them back.

“What else?”

Kyle stands and looks out over the small back garden. “We…” He pauses and shakes his head. “I… handed over your mother to the Rochas. It was her fault that Smokey was killed.”

So many thoughts run through my head, and all of them centered around the fact my family got someone killed. My junkie mother got us mixed up with a drug cartel, and I was her way in.

“I’m so sorry.”

Quickly, Kyle turns around, his face a mix of rage and anger. I’ve never seen him so raw, so animalistic. His change in temperament causes me to sit back and away from him.

“What she did… that’s not on you. What your brothers did… that’s also not on you. You kept secrets from me, Lola. And that… that is on you.” Kyle crouches in front of me, placing his hands on my knees.

Whispering, I say, “I don’t blame you for handing her over.”

Kyle nods. “There’s more. I’ve made it clear to the MC that this is your decision, but…” he shakes his head, “… I need you to think about what’s best for us.”

I place my hands over his. “You tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it.”

“We have your brother, Tommy, and Suzi at the pit.”

His eyes bore into mine, and I flinch at his meaning. Kyle, the man I love, wants me to kill the people who have wronged the MC. The people who Copyright 2016 - 2024