Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,45

sight of her.

“You got that right,” agrees Sean.

“Here she is.” Cristiano has her hand on his arm, more to keep her upright than anything else.

I cup her face in my hands. “Deedee, you need to come home.”

“No. Cris takes care of me,” she replies with a smile.

“What about Wheels?” Deedee shakes her head and moves out of my grasp. “What about your children?”

“T-They’re better off without me.” A single tear runs down her face.

“Deedee, if you stay, there’s no coming back. You stay, you’ll never see Wheels or your kids again. Do you understand?”

“Cristiano will take care of me.”

I step back. “She’s all yours.” Looking Deedee up and down, I shake my head. Wheels and the children are better off without her.

I hold up my hand, whistle, and do a circle in the air, and we all begin to move out. Angus gets in his van, and once he drives away, we all head for the door.

“Wait!” yells Cristiano.

I turn and stare at him with one eyebrow raised.

“That’s it?”

I nod.

“You’re fine with me not giving you the name?”

I turn and point at Carlos, then I smile at him and nod. Glancing back at Cristiano, I continue for the door.

“He’s protected.”

Without stopping, I say, “So was Smokey.”

We hit the pavement, mount our bikes, and head for the clubhouse.


With my arm in plaster and my ribs strapped, I pick up the duffle bag off Kyle’s bed. No one pays me much attention as I go back into the medical suite. Logan has been sedated and is fast asleep.

With my eyes on him, I ask the doctor, “Is he going to be okay?”

“Physically, yes. Mentally, only time will tell.”

I glance at him. “What does he need?”

The doctor puts a hand on my shoulder. “A stable home life, lots of love, and a hell of a lot of counseling.”

A stable home life.

I’m not sure I’m the one who can give him that right now.

In a way, it makes my decision easier.

Nodding, I stare at the doctor and hand him an envelope. “Can you give him this when he wakes?”

“You don’t want to give this to him yourself?”

I shake my head and back out of the room. “He needs more than I have to give.”

Without looking anyone in the eyes, I walk briskly out of the clubhouse. I keep going until I hit the parking lot where my car is parked. Opening the door, I toss the duffle bag onto the passenger seat. The keys are in the ignition, so I start the car and drive out of the compound.

There’s nothing left here for me.

Driving through the gates, I have no idea where I’m going to go. My car finds its way to Annie’s house as if on autopilot. I get out and climb the steps to her home. Annie’s probably the only one that will listen to an explanation.

Knocking on the door, Annie appears. Her face morphs from concern to happiness as she opens the screen door and embraces me.

“Oh, Lola, I’m so glad you’re okay.” She holds me at arms’ length. “I was worried.”

Tears stream down my face.

“Come in, honey. Tell me what happened to you. I want to know it all.” With her arm wrapped around me, Annie guides me inside and sits me on her sofa. “I’m going to make us a pot of tea. I’ll be right back.”

Annie pats my leg and goes to her kitchen.

Sitting back on her sofa, I tilt my head back and close my eyes. Annie’s home smells clean with the added scent of lavender. She always has some in a vase on her coffee table.

Within moments, I’m asleep.


The minute I arrive back in the compound, I notice Lola’s car is gone. Mounting the steps two at a time, I enter the clubhouse. My gaze falls on Stroke, a prospect.

“Why is Lola’s car missing?”

He shrugs. “‘Cause she took it?”

“What do you mean, she took it?” I demand.

“Prez, she grabbed a duffle bag and drove out of here. That’s all I know.”

I scowl at him then the doctor clears his throat. “She, ah… left a letter for Logan.”

“You’re still here?”

“I wanted to make sure the boy was all right.”

“Is he?”

“He’s still sleeping.” The doctor pulls an envelope out of his jacket pocket and hands it to me. “I was waiting for you to get back before I left. Lola’s cast will need to come off in about six weeks, but I’ll want to see her before then. Do not let her put anything up inside to scratch. Copyright 2016 - 2024