Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,40

of his gun, and the other two move backward, holding on to each other.

“Kyle!” yells Angus.

I hold up a hand without turning around.

“Where is she?” I ask the two standing.

“Kyle,” Angus yells again.

I turn as he helps the woman to her feet and brushes the hair off her face. It’s then I recognize Lola.

Sean snarls, “I’ve got this.”

Maddock walks cautiously through the door, followed by Lochlan and then Logan. I jog toward Lola, who’s crying. When I’m close enough, I pull her into my embrace. She cries out in pain, so I instantly release her only to cup her face in my hands and put my forehead to hers.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be,” whispers Lola.

Her voice instantly calms me.

“Kyle, she’s hurt,” says Angus.

Without letting go of her, I search her face, it’s bruised, and she has a split lip. Stepping back, I notice she’s holding onto her wrist, clutching it to her chest. My hands travel down her body, and when I try to inspect her arm, Lola pulls away.

“It’s broken.”

Her voice is filled with pain, and my anger clouds my vision. I turn and stalk back to the other three. I hear Lola talking to me and the pain in her voice penetrates my very soul. It’s not until I’m standing in front of them that Logan’s voice pierces my senses.

“No, Kyle!”

The kid is in front of me, hands on my chest, pushing me back.

“We got her back.” Staring into my eyes, he repeats slowly, “We. Got. Her. Back.”

The ache that was in my chest subsides. I nod, turn around, and go back to Lola. I have my back to her kidnappers, and with Lola’s hand in mine, I guide her toward the door.

“Kyle, there’s so much I need to tell you.”

“Not now.”

“I need to explain—”

“Not now,” I repeat more forcefully, effectively interrupting her. “Later.”

Lola’s face screws up as more tears flow, but she doesn’t argue with me. She nods and keeps moving. We’re at the door when a loud animalist growl echoes around the warehouse. Turning, I see Sean on the ground.

He yells, “No!”

My eyes go to Logan, then a loud sound like a firecracker goes off and echoes around the warehouse. Garry flies backward, Suzie screams, and Tommy holds his hands up. Logan stands over Garry and empties the Glock into his chest. I’m running toward him as he keeps pulling the trigger, over and over again, all the while making unnatural sounds. Sean is still on the ground, eyes glued to Logan, his mouth hanging open.

I place a hand on Logan’s shoulder. He drops the gun, turns, and buries his face in my chest. Great sobs wrack his entire body, and his knees give way, but I’ve got him. In one swift movement, I bend and pick him up. The kid weighs next to nothing.

Sean scrambles to his feet. “H-He got my gun.”

I shake my head once, and Sean stops talking.

“Clean this up.”

Angus runs over, as does Maddock.

“Jesus,” whispers Angus as he peers down at Garry’s bloody form.

“Do as Sean says… there’s to be no trace of what went on here.”

“I’ll need Cutter,” replies Sean.

I nod and turn as Logan falls silent.

Over my shoulder, I say, “Whatever you need, brother. Just get it done!”


I never thought I’d ever see the inside of the Loyal Rebels medical suite as a patient, but here I am as their doctor checks me over. He says little as he assesses my wounds. In fact, the whole clubhouse is eerily silent.

“You’ve made a mess of yourself, Lola,” says the doctor quietly as he checks me over. “I like the new hair color.”

I laugh and pick up a lock of it between dirty fingers. “It’s different.”

“Different isn’t bad.” Looking into his eyes, kindness radiates out, making me uneasy, so I stare at my filthy hands.

“Before we go any further, do you want to shower?”


He points to my wrist. “Do you want something for the pain?”

“No,” I reply flatly.

I need the pain.

Although Kyle rescued me, he won’t even look at me, and now my son has killed. The emotion in Kyle’s eyes when he walked past me with a despondent Logan in his arms ripped my heart in two. The man I love is angry, and it’s all my fault. I let my family taint his world. I’m no good, and now he knows that fact.

With the doctor’s help, I get off the table. “I’ll be fine, doc. Be back in ten.”

“Take your time and be careful. Do you need any help?”

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