Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,34

the pit. He might be useful in tracking down Yvette. He’s her son.”

“So, Lola’s brother?” asks Arrow.

“Yeah. As for Smokey, we can give him a proper send-off out there. Do it Viking style.”

Arrow nods and one side of his mouth turns up. “He’d like that.”

“Yes, he would.”


I’m sitting on the edge of my bed with a shoebox from the closet full of Lola’s trinkets and photographs. There are pictures of her and a baby, who I’m guessing is Logan. But it could be anyone. There’s one image where she’s standing with her arm around her mother’s neck, and they are both smiling. They are younger and look happy as they smile for the camera. There’s a knock at my door.

Sean pokes his head in. “You good, man?”

I hold up the picture of Lola and her mother. “Found a photo.”

Sean nods, sits beside me, and takes the photograph from my hand. “You need sleep, brother.”


Sean shakes his head. “Nope, now, or you’ll pass out. One hour. You can take that.”

“Sean, I’m not sure I can sleep.”

He opens his hand and has a pill in the palm of it. “Take this.”

“What is it?”


I chuckle. “Way to be forthcoming.”

Sean smiles. “Brother, you need sleep. You aren’t thinking clearly. That meeting we had just now, you nearly fucked yourself over it. Sleep. I promise I won’t let you sleep for more than an hour. There’s too much to do.”

“One hour!”

“You want some help?” Sean asks, holding out his hand with the pill in it.

“No, brother.”

Sean slaps me on my back and leaves the room. I fall back on the bed and peer up at the ceiling. My mind is filled with thoughts of Lola and how fucked up this mess is. I close my eyes, not expecting to sleep.

The next thing I know, Sean is back, tapping my leg. “Yo, brother, wake up.”

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I open my eyes. “How long?”

“Two hours.” I frown at him and sit up. “Yeah, I lied, and I didn’t see the point in you being up and around if we didn’t have anything. We’ve got a solid lead on Yvette, so let’s ride.”

“Did you sleep?” I stand and walk into the bathroom and splash my face with water.


“You’ve been up as long as me, yeah?”

“Yeah, but I’ll sleep later.” Sean cracks his knuckles and tilts his head to the side. “There’s one more thing.”

“What?” I wipe my face off with a towel.

“Maddock, Cherie, Jamie, and Beth are here.”

“What the fuck?”

Maddock is my brother and Cherie is his woman. Jamie is my brother, and Beth is Sean’s.

“I rang Beth to check-in. She told Jamie, who—”

“Rang Maddock,” I finish for him.


“Did you tell them everything?” Sean looks at the floor and nods. “Jesus, Sean.”

“Hey, technically I didn’t. I told Beth who told—”

“Shut up. Come on, blabbermouth, let’s talk to the family.”

Sean grins. “Mad is angry.”

“I don’t answer to Maddock.”

I walk back out into the clubhouse. Cherie is sitting on Maddock’s lap, Beth is next to Jamie, and Angus is with Logan and Lochlan over near the bar.

I point at Logan. “Get away from the bar.”

“Ahh, sleeping beauty awakes.” Laughs Angus.

I quirk an eyebrow at him, which makes him laugh harder. Maddock taps Cherie’s leg, and she moves so he can stand. He takes three steps toward me, opens his arms, and throws them around me. Then, in a low voice, so that only I can hear, he says, “Why didn’t you call?”

“Club business.”

Maddock holds me at arm’s length. “Bullshit. Family business.”

I shake my head. “No, brother, it’s not.”

Wolf whistles sound from outside, and Annette walks through the clubhouse doors.

“Jesus,” I mutter as I stare at Lochlan.

He’s smiling at her as he walks to her and wraps his arms around her waist.

“Annette, Annie’s granddaughter, is seeing Lochlan?” asks Maddock.

I cast a glance at him—his mouth is hanging open.

“It would appear so.”

“You didn’t know?” he asks.

“No. In fact, like every other male I know, I warned him off.”

“Does Annie know?” asks Sean.


Lochlan breaks away from Annette. He takes one look at the three of us, and he places his arm around her shoulders and moves her toward Beth.

“Kyle, can we take this somewhere a little more private?” asks Maddock as he stares around the clubhouse.

“They know,” I reply.

“I know.” Maddock smiles. “Meet you at Da’s?”

I scowl at him. “Why?”

“All will be revealed,” Maddock replies cryptically with a shit-eating grin.

Cherie stands and heads for the door while Maddock winks at me and follows her.

“What the fuck happened while I was Copyright 2016 - 2024