Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,26

you think it’s fucking smart to go off on your own when there’s a fucking drug cartel killing our members?” thunders Sean.

Angus sits opposite me. “To be fair, they thought you were involved in the Cartlands’ drug deal, and they were sending a message. They aren’t likely to go after any of you. From the little I’ve learned they’re trying to make amends.”

Sean sits. “They still killed one of us without any provocation.” He stares at Lochlan. “When did you get into town? And why are you wearing Kyle’s clothes? Slumming it?”

“I got in recently.” Lochlan gestures toward Logan, who sits near me. “Who’s the kid?”

“I’m not a kid,” replies Logan as he frowns at him. “I’m Logan.”

“Descendant of the warrior, a good Scottish name.”

Logan’s eyes widen, and he looks at me. “What, do you all study names or something?”

I chuckle and point at myself. “Kyle.” Then, in turn, I point at my brothers. “Sean, Angus, and this is Lochlan. I have two other brothers, Jamie and Maddock. We were all given Scottish names because of our grandfather, our Da. It’s something he used to do. My name means ‘narrow, strait.’ Not very impressive.”

“Yeah, but you got named after Da,” replies Angus. “My name means ‘one strength.’”

“Mine is actually an Irish name—” starts Lochlan.

“Bite your tongue! Da would be turning in his grave hearing you say that,” admonishes Sean.

Lochlan grins and shakes his head. “As I was saying… mine is Irish, and it means ‘land of the lochs.’ My friends call me Loch for short.”

“Well, I got the best one. Sean means ‘God is gracious.’”

“Also, an Irish name,” teases Lochlan.

Sean growls at him, and Logan laughs.

“My name beats all of yours,” says Logan.

“Indeed, it does. Loch, this is Logan, Lola’s son.”

“So, you’re the son?” asks Lochlan.

“You told him about me?”


Angus gets up to open the refrigerator, reaches in, and pulls out four beers and a can of soda for Logan.

“Did you make the calls?” I ask Sean.

“Yes, brother.”

My cell phone begins to ring. The caller ID, isn’t a number I recognize. “Hello?”

“Kyle, it’s Lola.”

The ache in my chest increases. She sounds upset, as though she’s been crying.

“Are you all right?”

“She’ll be fine if you do as we say,” replies a male voice.

“Put Lola back on the phone,” I demand.

Laughter filters down the line. “That’s not how this works.”

“You listen to me, you cocksucker. You put Lola back on the phone or so help me God, I’ll destroy every-fucking-thing you care about. Do you get me?”

“Big talk from a little man.”

“Is this Garry or Tommy?” Silence greets me. “What did you think we wouldn’t find out? Put Lola on the fucking phone.”

I can hear mumbled voices, and then Lola’s voice comes back on the line.

“I can’t talk for long.” She sounds strained and scared.

“Have they hurt you?”

“I’m okay, Kyle.”

“What do they want?”

Lola says nothing.

“Babe, talk to me.”

“They’ve made a mess of things.” Lola draws in a breath, and a sob escapes her. “I’m so sorry.”

Hearing her cry nearly crushes me. “What do they want?”

“They owe a drug dealer money. They don’t have it. Don’t do it, Kyle, I’m not worth it.”

My heart pounds as though it’s going to explode out of my chest. I scrub a hand over my face. Anger colors my vision so much so I could punch a hole in the wall. “Where are you?”

“That’s not important,” replies a male voice.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” I ask.

“Yes, we bought ourselves some insurance. You pay the Rochas what we owe, and you get Lola back.”

“What makes you believe we’ve got that kind of cash?”

He laughs. “You’re an MC. You people are into all kinds of illegal shit.”

“Put Lola back on the phone.”

“I knew taking her would work in our favor. You pay the Rochas what we owe, and we’ll leave Lola somewhere for you to find her.”

“When I find you, motherfucker, you’re going to regret all of this. Now, put Lola on the phone.”

The line goes dead.

I slam my hand down on the table, and Angus reaches across and grabs my cell phone. He pulls his own out of his pocket and makes a call.

“Hey, it’s me.” He nods. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I need you to give me everything you can on a cell phone number.” More nodding. “Fine! Just find out everything you can. Are you ready?” Angus looks at me as he recites the number from my cell. “Five, five, five, eight, one, seven, two.” Then he hangs up and says to me, “It was Copyright 2016 - 2024