Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,24

for Cristiano has only been me. The club isn’t associated.”

I shake my head. “Brother, you associated the club the minute you made a deal with the devil. You see that, don’t you?”

He looks at me, nods, and then his gaze goes back to the tabletop.

All eyes are on Wheels as we sit in silence.

I’m wondering how much he owes and if I should’ve gone to him sooner. I knew there was something up with him.

“I know you guys have shit going on right now, but I’ve got something,” says Angus.

“Speak up,” I order.

“They don’t have Lola, but the Rochas killed Smokey.”

“Fucking bastards,” growls Sean.

“It’s complicated. From what I can gather from my bugs, it appears as though the Cartlands led the Rochas to believe that we were in on the deal with Lola’s family. They’ve seen you and Lola together. They’ve seen her at the house. When they came for Yvette, Smokey was there. They assumed we were in on it, and him being there verified it. They know they’ve fucked up. They’re searching for Yvette and Lola.”

“What a fucking mess.”

“We hit them hard,” interjects Sean.

“Fuck! Yes, we do,” agrees Cutter.

“We don’t want a war with a drug cartel,” I state.

Sean’s eyes pop out of his head, and his mouth falls open. “So, it goes unpunished? You’d let them walk on killing one of our own?”

“No, brother, someone will pay. But we must be smart about this. We’ll call church. Let the MC in on what’s happened in the last twenty-four hours and call a vote.”

“What about Mom and Lola?” murmurs Logan.

Words fail me. Absently, I rub my chest at the hurt that’s spreading out from there, infiltrating every part of me. The Cartlands have Lola, her own family, his family. They haven’t contacted us, so we have no clue what their end game is. We don’t know if Lola is alive or dead. As for Yvette, if the Rochas find her first, she’s as good as dead.

I open my mouth to speak and shut it. The kid is looking at me, and I need to tell him something, but we have nothing.

So, I stare at Sean. “Put out the call. In two hours, I want everyone here. Also, let it be known we’re searching for Yvette Cartland and Lola. Make sure you remind them Lola is one of us.”

Standing, I walk out of the room and to my bike. I climb on, start it, and leave the clubhouse behind. I keep going until I find myself at my grandfather’s house. Parking the bike in the driveway, I open the gate and walk up the path to the front door. It feels like forever since I’ve been here. Opening the door, I head for the kitchen. There might not be food here, but I know I’ve got beer.

As I round the corner, I come face to face with Annette in nothing but a man’s long-sleeve white shirt.

“What the fuck?”

“Jesus! You scared the dickens out of me,” says Annette as she clutches her chest.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I’m—”

“She’s here with me.”

I turn to find Lochlan behind me in nothing but a pair of jeans.

“Are they mine?” I ask.

He smiles at me. “Yes, Kyle, they’re yours.”

Lochlan moves around me to put a possessive arm around Annette. I scrub a hand over my face, open the refrigerator which is full of food, and pull out a beer.

I quirk an eyebrow and stare at him. “How long have you been here?”

“A while.”

Annette smiles up at. “He’s been here a month.”

Bread, cheese, and some type of meat are sitting on one of the shelves, so I pull it all out. I don’t remember the last time I ate.

“Please, brother, help yourself,” says Lochlan sarcastically.

“My house.”

Walking around both of them, I open a drawer and pull out a knife, then step over to a cupboard to find a plate.

“Funny, I always thought it was our house.”

Lochlan is the youngest of my brothers at twenty-four. He was our late sister, Heather’s twin. He’s also a manwhore and has no business messing with Annie’s granddaughter, Annette.

“It is, brother,” I say as I put cheese and meat on the bread.

Annette pats his chest and says, “I’m going to put some more clothes on. How about you two catch up?”

I smile at her and wait until I hear the sound of a door shutting before I speak, “What are you doing?”

“I like her.”

“She’s off-limits.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I like her.”

Lochlan is a male model. A Copyright 2016 - 2024