Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,20

his lips. “Harsh.”

“He’s lucky I don’t let Cutter skin him.”

Sean quivers as though someone has walked across his grave. “Scary fucker.”

The pit is an area of land we own on the outskirts of town. It consists of a large shed where we hold parties, and fifty feet away from it is a well. We call it the pit. There’s about a foot of dank water in the bottom, and the only way out is if we drop a rope and haul you out. It smells, and it’s dark as we put a cover over the top. You have two choices—you can stand or you can sit—but both are miserable.

“You drive him out with Cutter. Give Angus your keys.”

Sean quirks an eyebrow at me. “What now?”

“Jesus, Sean, it’s a fucking bike, not a newborn baby. Besides, Angus can ride.”

“If he so much as—”

“I know, I know,” I say, cutting him off.

Begrudgingly, he hands over his keys and walks toward the van. Logan climbs out of it and steps toward me.

“Angus isn’t happy.”

I give him a sideways glance. “Why?”

“Doesn’t want to hand over his van.”

I swear there are days I feel like I’m running a fucking special-needs school for a bunch of misfits. Glaring at Angus, he slowly gets out of the van, and Sean climbs in. They exchange a few words, and then Angus walks to me.

He goes to speak, and I hold up a hand, which makes him snap his mouth shut, then I toss the keys to Sean’s bike at him.

“Come on, Logan, you can ride with me.”

I climb on, and the kid gets on behind me. We have just over an hour before we’re supposed to meet with the Rochas’ cartel.

I need coffee, Tylenol, and a moment to myself.


The air is thick down here. It’s so dark I can’t see my hand in front of my face. I’ve been screaming for hours, so much so I can barely raise my voice above a whisper. There are things slithering in the fetid water. I’ve tried to catch them, but I haven’t managed to even touch one.

Or is it my imagination playing tricks on me?

Have I really been in here for hours?

Maybe I’ve only been here for a few minutes?


My whisper echoes back to me.

Looking up, there’s nothing but darkness.

They called it the pit.

I begged them, but they talked over me as though I wasn’t even there.

Sean wrapped a rope around my waist and pushed. I struck my arm on the way down. It’s not broken, but the skin was scraped off my elbow, and it damn well hurts.

Again, I try to climb up out of this hell hole. My fingers can’t find purchase on the slippery stones as I attempt to heave myself up. This time I manage to get higher than last time, but my feet can’t find a footing, and my fingers are unable to hold me. With a strangled cry, I let go and fall back into the stinky water.

This is all Lola’s fault.

If only she’d gone along with the plan, none of this would have happened.

Slinking back down, I sit in the water.

It’s cold.

I’m exhausted.

My body begins to shake, the tears start to fall down my face.

“Hello?” The word is nothing more than a whisper.


In total, I have four men with me, and the Rochas have fifteen. To say I’m feeling uncomfortable is an understatement. Wheels flanks me on one side and Sean the other. All weapons were left at the door. The only person in this room I’m worried about is Angus. He says he can take care of himself, but I’ve never seen him in a fight. My instinct, if things go sideways, will be to protect him.

I should’ve left him at the clubhouse.

“Can I use the head?” asks Angus, and I scowl at him.

One of our escorts laughs. “Weak bladder?”

“I’m on a cleanse,” replies Angus with fake sincerity.

The guy holds up an arm and gestures for Angus to walk ahead of him.

Angus stands and smiles. “Won’t be long.”

“See that you aren’t,” I reply, giving him a stern look.

Angus nods and walks out of the room.

Sean shakes his head and begins to tap on the table.

We’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes. There’s no conversation. The other men are either sitting or standing around the large oval table. It’s polished so much you can see your reflection on the top of its cherry-red surface.

Wheels glances around the room at no one in particular and asks, “How far away is Cristiano?”

“He won’t be long,” Copyright 2016 - 2024