Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,18

person from me. If it claims Lola…” I crouch in front of him and pull my switchblade back out, “… I’ll skin you alive.”

Ben scoffs. “Sure, you will.”

Holding the tip of the blade to my pointer finger, I twirl it, and blood drips from my finger and down my palm.

His eyes widen.

“The hardest part is keeping you alive while I do it. Most die of shock, and do you know how hard it is to get the skin off someone’s feet and keep it whole? I’ve only managed to do it once.”

Ben sucks in a breath, and his head jerks up quickly, hitting the wall behind him. Sean and Kyle come back into the room, but I continue to stare at Ben, twirling my knife, letting the blood drip onto the floor.

“I see you and Cutter are getting to know each other,” says Kyle.

“He’s mad,” whispers Ben.


Kyle touches my shoulder. I stand and move out of the way, pulling out a bandana from my pocket to wipe the blood away.

“We have a car coming. You’re going to direct us to Tommy’s house,” states Kyle.

“Will you let me live?”

Kyle stares down at him and cryptically says, “I won’t kill you.”

I smirk at Sean.

This means either he or I get to do it.

I hope it’s me.


Walking out of the house with Sean right behind me, we leave Ben with Cutter. Sean looks like I feel.

“What did you do with Smokey?”

“Pulled him out, so we can give him a proper funeral. Cutter torched the house. He’s a scary fucker with fire.”

Cutter is a man of many talents, arson being one of them.

Sean peers back inside the house. “I grabbed a few of the kid’s things. There was a photo of his dad and some personal shit next to his bed. I couldn’t take much because it needed to look like an accident.” Sean stares at his feet, hands on his hips. “Smokey was a good man. He didn’t deserve to go out like that. The fire will kill any DNA or fingerprints. We should be in the clear, provided none of the neighbors saw us.”

“It’s not the kind of neighborhood where people talk to the cops, but I’ll put in a call to the locals and see what they have.”

“You still got a contact in the PD there?”

“Yeah, an old school friend.”

Sean nods, tilts his head to the side, and his lips turn down. “David Tucker, the guy from the bar, said it was Lola’s brother, Garry, a guy called Tommy, and Suzie, who snatched Lola.”

“What the fuck is wrong with this family? And why the fuck did Lola leave Logan in that dump?” I run a hand through my hair and fold my fingers together behind my neck. “She was planning something. Lola was up and dressed.” I let my hands fall to my sides. “Fuck, she never told me about the kid. I knew her mother was a junkie, but I thought she was in recovery. Fuck, Sean, who the fuck is Lola? Do you think she’s tied up in all of this?”

Sean grabs me by my upper arms and stares into my eyes. “Lola wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize you or the club.” He lets his arms drop. “If there’s one thing I know, Lola loves you. When we find her, you can ask her all of this, but right now, things are fucked up, man.”

“What are we going to do with him?” I ask, gesturing toward the house.

“So, you don’t want me to kill him?”

“He’s Lola’s brother. He’s family.”

Sean puffs out his cheeks. “Not much of a family. He needs to pay.”

“Yeah, when we get Lola back, she can pick the punishment.”

Sean nods. “Okay, let’s get back in there.”

“I don’t trust him on the back of a bike. Let me ring Wheels, get a car here, and we’ll transport him that way.”

When we walk back in, Cutter is crouched in front of Ben, blood dripping down his hand and arm onto the floor. He’s got his blade out, twisting it on his finger, staring at a frightened Ben. The man can be creepy as fuck.

After a brief discussion, we wait for a car. Ben begins to rub his arms, and then a toxic smell hits my senses. I glance at Sean, who looks like he swallowed a lemon, then Cutter, whose lips are turned down in distaste, so that leaves Ben.

“Did you shit yourself?”

“I’m sorry, man. I’m scared and, and…”

“When was your last fix?”

“I’m fine.”

Like fuck he is. Diarrhea Copyright 2016 - 2024