Spark (Academy of Unpredictable Magic #1) - Sadie Moss Page 0,4

around. “Ah. And this must be Madeline.”

Maddy steps out of the bedroom doorway, her eyes a little wide. I don’t think she’s ever seen anyone who works in the Circuit before.

“So, what can we do for you?” I cross my arms over my chest. It probably looks defensive, but I can’t help it; people in authority tend to bring out my prickly side.

Despite my rudeness, the woman keeps her smile perfectly affixed to her face. She probably has to deal with people like me all day. “I’m Aurora Montgomery, and I work as a recruiter and liaison for the magical training academies. My job is to ensure that young magic users are placed in the program that’s best for them.”

Maddy looks like she could jump up and down with excitement. She’s enthusiastic about everything in life, and I’ve never stifled that. One of us had to be the tough one so we could get by after Mom died, but I was determined not to let it be Maddy.

“Would you like something to drink?” my sister asks. Then she gestures to the couch. “Oh, sit down! Sorry, we were just cleaning.”

I keep my arms folded and lean back against the wall. “I’ve been looking for schools for her on my own. I didn’t get a notice from you guys or anything.”

“We had a difficult time tracking you down.”

“I’m registered.”

All people from magical families have to be registered with the local Circuit so that the Circuit can find them during an emergency or something like that. I can see why we might still be hard to find, though. I haven’t really participated in the magical community in years, not since Mom died. Why would I, when neither Maddy nor I had any damn magic?

“Besides, you worked pretty quickly,” I point out. “Maddy only showed her magic three days ago.”

I’ve been scouring training academies since then to find the best place to petition for her. I figured I’d have to beg, borrow, steal, or sell my soul to get her in somewhere on such late notice.

“Yes, we’ve been more proactive lately about approaching people whose magic has sparked and getting them into a proper training academy,” Aurora replies. She accepts the glass of water Maddy gives her with a graceful smile, even though I don’t think she really wants it. My sister sits down on the couch beside her, gazing at her with something like awe.

Me? I’m a little more wary. It’s not that I think Aurora’s some crazy, unhinged mage. But I just don’t trust people in general. Blame my dad if you want, or blame all the friends who didn’t do anything to help when Mom got sick and died, leaving me to raise my sister all on my own. Not that I regret a second of it. I was just barely eighteen when Mom passed away, but I fought child protective services tooth and nail to make sure I got to keep Mads, and it was all worth it. She’s the best part of my life.

“Our ability to track new, uncontrolled flares of magic has gotten a lot better over the years,” Aurora explains. “We can use it to quickly find and help people whose magic has sparked to life. It helps prevent delays in getting them the help they need.”

I narrow my eyes, a little bothered that she seems to think I couldn’t get Mads the help she needs. “I’ve been researching schools. But if you have suggestions, I’m happy to hear them.”

“Your concern for your sister is admirable and expected,” Aurora says smoothly, probably reading the distrust in my eyes. “My belated condolences about your mother, by the way. When you came up in the system, I saw that she passed away several years ago. I understand that Maddy is important to you, and to have looked after her since you were eighteen—”

“We’ve been fine,” I interrupt, raising a hand. I know she means well, but I really don’t need her pity. Hell, there are single parents all over the place, and teen moms all over the place. We all make it work the best we can, and strangers’ sympathy doesn’t pay the bills. “So, you found a good place for Maddy? Somewhere she’ll get the best training possible?”

“We did. Your sister has… I believe elemental magic is what we detected? Is that right, Madeline?”

They say different kinds of magic leave a different kind of aura. Scientifically—and yes, there are people who blend science and magic—it’s a kind Copyright 2016 - 2024