Spark (Academy of Unpredictable Magic #1) - Sadie Moss Page 0,24

he’s coming from.

“I’m not sure how I feel about my power either,” I admit, stepping a little closer to him. “I’ve gotten so used to being without magic, I’m not sure how to function with it.”

Asher shoots me a warm, grateful smile, and it lights up his face. My stomach flutters, and I have to firmly tamp down those stupid butterflies.

No. No way am I going to be attracted to two—okay, fine, three—men at once. That’s just asking for trouble.

“We’re never going to learn how to function with it with these damn braces on.” Dmitri scratches at the skin around his band like it itches. “It’s unfair of them to do this to us. The other schools don’t make their students wear armbands.”

“It’s to make sure no accidents happen.” Cam shrugs, clearly unconcerned.

“It’s because they think we’re freaks,” Dmitri growls.

“It’s because we think we’re freaks,” Asher says quietly. His voice is firmer than I would’ve expected. I don’t think he’s the oldest of the guys—that would be Dmitri, I’m pretty sure—but he’s got this quiet confidence that makes him seem almost ageless. “Everyone here thought they didn’t have magic. That they were a disappointment to their family. They’re ready to hate themselves, and it’s easier to direct that hate onto other people than it is to unleash it on themselves. Everyone’s emotions are running high. That’s why the braces are on.”

My brows rise so high they must be nudging my hairline. “That was… really insightful.”

Asher shoots me a small smile, and I find myself smiling in return, a pleasant warmth blooming in my chest.

“Ash is our resident philosopher,” Cam jokes, clapping him on the shoulder with a grin. “And he’s got a point. Most of the staff at the school are on our side. If it were up to them, maybe we wouldn’t have to wear the magic suppressing bands. But they’re in the minority on that. A lot of people didn’t think there should even be a training academy for us at all—they argued that we were too dangerous and should just get our magic suppressed without a choice.”

My jaw drops. “What?”

Jesus. That’s fucking awful. At least I had a say in the matter, even if I didn’t like what my two choices were. And I can understand why Aurora wouldn’t want me walking around with Unpredictable magic unless I knew how to control it.

Cam shrugs. “Way of the world, sweetheart.”

“I’m not your sweetheart.” The words come out automatically, a knee-jerk response. I actually didn’t hate the way sweetheart sounded rolling off his tongue, but after a few years of working at The Den, it’s second nature to shoot down any guy who tries to call me by a pet name.

“No, you’re not.” He arches a brow, grinning wider at me. “You’re way too fiery for that. How about Cinnamon?”

For some reason, that word sounds even better coming out of his mouth, but there’s no way I can admit it. Avoiding his gaze, I clear my throat. “Why Cinnamon?”

“Because it’s a little bit sweet, but with a hell of a kick.”

I roll my eyes, hoping the flush I can feel warming my cheeks isn’t too obvious. “Sounds more like you think I’m a cheap stripper with a heart of gold.”

He chuckles. “Nah, definitely not. I can see what you mean, though. How about Cinn?”

“Is that with a ‘c’ or an ‘s’?” I cross my arms over my chest, enjoying the fact that I get to negotiate for my nickname.

“Which do you want it to be?”

I don’t even hesitate. “‘S’, definitely.”

Cam’s bright blue eyes spark with humor and something else that sends a little thrill through me, then he nods decisively. “Sin it is then. I like that.”

Dmitri grunts under his breath, pushing away from the stone pillar at the base of the stairs. “You two done flirting yet? We don’t have time for this. Let’s go.”

What a dick. Seriously, what is his deal with me?

“Sure. Go. I’m not trying to impinge on your busy social calendar,” I shoot back, flushing for an entirely different reason as anger flares inside me.

He freezes, eyes narrowing. His striking face turns stony as he gives me a challenging look, like he’s daring me to cross some invisible line. His gaze drags down my body and back up again, and it’s like I’ve been set on fire. Fuck, I want to hear him say other things in that deep, dark, dangerous tone of his. He has this commanding, dominating aura, and I don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024