The Spanish Tycoon's Temptress Page 0,41

tiny waist and revealed a flat stomach with the sexiest belly button he’d ever seen.

His eyes traveled lower, taking in her long, slender legs. Hell, even her feet turned him on!

When his eyes came back up to her face, a slow, leisurely pass once again up her body, his eyes were bright and intense, showing her the need to take her into his arms. As it was, his hands were braced on either side of her door jamb, his fingers gripping the sides to keep from walking in and taking her into his arms.

“If you don’t go get some clothes on right now, I’m going to make love to you until we both can’t walk straight,” he said with a growl.

Elana had been frozen in place, her body standing there just taking his perusal and becoming hot and bothered by the way his eyes took in everything. She could even feel her breasts swelling, her nipples peaking and pressing against the thin fabric of her pajamas. But as soon as he spoke, she jumped and realized that she had been standing in her doorway, for all intents and purposes almost naked since her little pajamas really didn’t hide much at all.

With a squeak, she jumped and spun around, heading towards her bedroom, almost spilling her coffee in an attempt to move faster. When her bedroom door closed, separating the two of them, she took a deep breath as she leaned against the solid wood, closing her eyes so that she didn’t see that heat from his eyes, making her feel it right down to her bones.

She quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, adding a bra along with it. She initially grabbed a pink bra with pretty lace along the top, but then thought about Gaston being outside in her den area and grabbed the boring tan one, the one that she would be embarrassed to have him see her in. She considered the ugliness of the bra as extra protection against the almost painful need that was pouring through her right now.

She pulled her hair back into a sloppy pony tail and rejected all her makeup, preferring to have him see her just like this, with no enhancement. More protection, she told herself.

Walking out a few minutes later, she took a deep breath to brace herself to see him again. Standing in the hallway, she watched him for a moment. His hands were braced on his hips and he was staring out the window at something. His shoulders looked tense and his whole body language seemed as if he were angry at something.

“Why are you here?” she asked, not daring to step out of the hallway. She was protected on two sides at least, which was better than nothing. Physical barriers might help in some way to help her fight this insane attraction she had to this man.

He swung around at the first sound of her voice and glared at her, almost making her flinch with the hostility she saw emanating from his eyes. “Why the hell would you answer your door like that? Were you expecting someone else? A boyfriend perhaps?”

She fisted her hands at her sides, furious at the implication that she was sleeping with someone. “For your information, I knew that you were on the other side of my door from the moment you banged on it. So whatever you are accusing me of, just drop it now. Understood?” She didn’t care if he understood or not. She was furious and stomped over to her kitchen. “Besides, what I do in my apartment is my business and has nothing to do with you and your horrible mood swings!”

He swung her around a moment before she reached up to grab another coffee cup. “You may NOT see any other man. Do you understand?”

She understood only that he was issuing commands and she didn’t like that at all. “I understand that you’re an obnoxious jerk that I don’t want in my life but just like a bad penny, you keep showing up and acting like you own me. Well I don’t care about your stupid grant money!” She was so furious she was poking him in the chest with each word, livid that he would dare try and control her. “I can do without all of it! If you’re going to treat me as if you own me, then just shove it!”

“This has nothing to do with the grant money and you damn well know Copyright 2016 - 2024