Southside High - Michelle Mankin Page 0,12

I stared, and Bryan stared back. War held me, but it was Bryan who enthralled me. As if he could somehow hear my thoughts, his silvery emerald eyes suddenly sparkled.

Smiling, I found my voice. “Bry,” I said, taking in his hunter-green button-down shirt that barely contained the breadth of his shoulders, and his narrow hips and muscular thighs. “You grew up nice.”

“You too, Lace.” He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, drawing my attention to the fact that he wasn’t unaffected by me, though his expression remained neutral. I didn’t want him neutral about me.

Shifting away from him, I returned my attention to War. “A band, huh?” My smile widened, and War’s brown eyes darkened. “You’ve certainly got the arrogance to be a lead singer.”

I reached up and touched his face, tilting his chin one way and then the other. His skin was rough at the jaw where a liberal layer of dark stubble coated it. My stomach flipped.

“You’re definitely handsome enough to pull it off.” My voice lowered, registering the electrical current of our connection. With difficulty, I turned away from him and glanced at Bryan. “So, if he’s the lead, you’d be . . .”

Bryan filled in where I’d trailed off. “The guitarist.”

“Ah, Slash, I should have guessed. Just like when we were kids.”

Bryan nodded, his gaze blazing with an intensity I didn’t understand, but obviously meant he was far from neutral toward me. I ran my gaze over him again, slower this time.

“Yeah,” I said low, going for a huskiness I’d never used before. “You could totally rock the brooding guitarist role.” Feeling brave, I added, “I’d throw my panties at you.”

“Would you now?” Bryan leaned in. His gaze locking on mine, he cocked a brow.

“Uh-huh.” Wanting to sound more grown-up, I leaned in too, tilting my face up to his as I whispered the lie, “If I were wearing any.”

Bryan’s eyes flared. He reached for my arm, but War shifted, moving between us. Momentarily, I’d forgotten he was there.

“I need a beer,” War said, grabbing Bryan’s arm.

“What?” Bryan looked confused. It almost seemed as though he’d forgotten his friend during that moment too.

“You thirsty, babe?” War asked me over his shoulder.

I forced lightness into my tone, but it was bullshit. I was totally reeling from both men. “I could use a beer, Mr. McMoves.”

I’d just hold it, not drink it, but War didn’t need to know that. It was one of those behind-the-scenes details that wasn’t critical for him to know. Like how the keg had gotten here in the first place, bought by an older acquaintance of my brother’s. He’d dropped off the keg and would be asking for “donations” later, one that would give him a healthy profit for his trouble, as well as the risk in providing alcohol to a party largely attended by underage drinkers.

“All right.” War laughed. “We’ll be right back.”


Bryan was obviously reluctant, but he followed me. I had reluctance of my own, wanting to be right back where Lace was too. As I worked through what to say to him, I filled a cup from the keg, and glanced over to find him staring behind us.

“Bryan.” I had to nudge his arm to get his attention.

“Huh?” He looked like he’d woken from a dream.

Lace Lowell was a dream, for sure, but she wasn’t his dream. She was mine.

Giving him my most serious face, I said firmly, “I’ve gotta have her.”

“Lace?” Bryan laughed as if that dream were impossible for me. “You only just met her.”

“I’m fucking serious, man.” I ran a hand over my face while holding my beer steady in the other. “I mean it. I’ve never felt this way around a chick.”

“Come on, War.” His eyes narrowed. “She’s just fifteen. You’ll be bored with her in no time.” He scanned the crowd in the backyard. “Let me ask Dizzy if he knows anyone. Someone older, more interesting and experienced. You know, like you usually go for.”

I frowned, cocking my head as I studied him. “What’s your problem?” As tension crackled between us, I straightened, pulling into play the half inch of height I had on him. “You think Lace is too good for me?”

“No, War. Of course not. I’m not saying anything. I just don’t think she’s your type.”

“You gotta be kidding. She sure the fuck is. Bold, sassy, sexy as hell.” I raised my brows, wondering if he’d suddenly lost his mind. “How’s that not my type?”

“Okay.” He shrugged as if it Copyright 2016 - 2024