Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,7

I look up at the ceiling. Kallie appears in the doorway with tears in her eyes when she sees Olivia lying there.

“Olivia,” she says, putting her hand to her mouth. The two of them have been best friends for a while, and they work together. She’s about to take a step into the room when Jacob stops her.

“Kallie,” Jacob says to her. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s a crime scene.” She glares at him. The two of them have loved each other for a long time, but eight years ago, she ran away after he got one of his best friends pregnant. She left town the day after she found out and has not been back nor has she spoken to him since then.

She finally came back to town with Olivia. Everyone knows how hard it was for them to be face-to-face again. They have worked so hard to get back together, and I just hope that this time it sticks.

“This is my brother’s property,” she says. Turning to look at me, she hesitates to come into the big media room. “Mom is fit to be tied.”

“I’ll go to her,” my father says, getting up and looking at me. He puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. “She’s going to be okay, son,” he tells me, and I have nothing to say. I think I’m numb. I know I’m numb. I don’t move from Olivia’s side while the paramedic takes her vitals.

“We need to take her in,” he says when Kallie kneels beside me. Her hand reaches out to touch Olivia’s.

“Let’s get him up,” the other paramedic says. Grady leans down and pulls him up by his arm, making the guy wince. I watch him walk out of the room, not saying anything. My eyes stay fixated on the blood stain on the throw rug. I make a mental note to get it cleaned before Olivia comes home. Home. Is this even her home? This is only temporary, I know this. She is here only until it’s safe for her to go home.

“We are going to transport her via ambulance to the hospital. The other victim will be going with Jacob.”

“Victim?” I repeat the word. “He isn’t a victim,” I hiss, and Kallie puts her hand on my arm.

“Casey,” she says, “let them take care of her.”

“I can carry her out.” I bend down, putting one hand under her legs and one under her back. She lies there in my arms with her head against my chest, and I shield her as I walk out of the room with her.

The whole time, I’m secretly begging her to open her eyes. I’m ready to do whatever needs to be done. “Darlin’,” I whisper, “you need to open your eyes so I can see you.” Holding her close to my chest, I say, “I just need to see your eyes.” I walk toward the ambulance as the gurney waits for her. I shake my head, refusing to let her go. “I’m going with her.”

“Okay, but it’s best if we monitor her on the way to the hospital,” the paramedic says. “You can be right by her side.” I nod as I place her gently on the gurney, still hoping she wakes up.

“Casey.” I turn when I hear Jacob call my name. “We are going to follow you there. I have him in Grady’s car,” he says, and I look around for the first time. There are six cars in my driveway, all parked haphazardly with their police lights still on.

“If I see him …” I look straight at Jacob.

“I know.” He nods. I’m about to get into the ambulance when I hear my mother shout my name.

I look over at her, seeing her being held by my father. “Let me go, so help me God, Billy.”

“Woman, you can’t just run over there. This is police business,” he tells her. I know that nothing he says will calm her, though. “Let him take care of Olivia.”

“It’s fine, Dad,” I say, and she runs over to me. Her face is streaked with tears as she takes me in her arms and sobs. “I’m fine, Mom,” I tell her, my eyes still on Olivia as they get her situated. “But I need to go.”

“Okay.” She releases me. “We’ll meet you at the hospital.”

“You don’t have to,” I say, and she just looks at me.

“Casey Christopher Barnes, don’t you dare tell me what to do.” I know I’m not going to win an argument when Copyright 2016 - 2024