Southern Comfort - Natasha Madison Page 0,33

grab a couple of the muffins out with some of the apple butter and her famous strawberry jam. By the time he comes back, I have the muffins in the oven heating, too. “So what woke you?” he asks, taking plates out for us.

“I don’t know,” I say the truth. “I just opened my eyes, and everything was so dark, and then …” I put my head down, ashamed to say that I was scared of the dark. He comes over to me, putting his hand under my chin and lifts my face so I’m looking at him.

“I’m sorry I didn’t leave any lights on,” he whispers, wrapping one hand around my waist, and I wait for him to kiss me. When he kissed me yesterday, nothing in the world could have prepared me for the kiss. My whole body lit up, my heart sped up faster than a speeding train, and my belly did the wave. It was the most perfect kiss I’ve ever gotten, it’s a kiss I’ll never forget.

He brings his lips down to mine and kisses me softly at first. “Your eyes change color when I kiss you.” He kisses me again, only this time, his tongue comes out, and he slips it into my mouth. I’m not expecting to feel the same way again, but it’s even more than it was yesterday. My hands go to his hips, and I turn my head to the side, waiting for him to take the kiss deeper. When he does, the beeping from the oven fills the room. I laugh out loud while he groans, then I turn to take the things out of the oven. Placing them all on a plate, I sit with him at the island while we eat. Neither of us says anything, and when we finally finish, and I get up, I see him yawning.

“Go to bed. I’ll clean this up.” He stands there looking at me.

“Only if you come with me,” he says. My eyes roam the room as I look at the mess. “You can clean that up later.”

“How about I sleep on the couch?” I say, hoping he goes to sleep in his own bed.

“Fine.” He turns to walk away. I clean up as fast as I can and then turn on the little light over the stove. Walking over to the couch, I stop when I see him standing there with a pillow under his arm. “Get in.” I just look at him. “I have to sleep on the edge.”

“You don’t have to sleep on the couch with me.” Shaking my head, I walk over to the couch, then lie on my side with my back to the cushions. He puts a pillow next to the one my head is lying on, then covers us both with the blanket.

“Night, darlin’.” He turns his head and kisses my lips.

“Night, cowboy,” I say, putting my head close to his. I don’t know how fast it takes me to fall asleep, but the next time I open my eyes, the sun is slowly creeping in. I look over and see that Casey is trying to get up without disturbing me.

“What time is it?” I whisper, and he looks over his shoulder at me.

“Six fifteen.” He gets up. “Go back to sleep. I’m late.” He walks to his bedroom.

“How are you late for anything?” I ask him as the sound of his laughter comes from his bedroom.

“I’m up at five usually and in the barn by five thirty.” He comes out with his Levi’s on while he slips into his white T-shirt. “I’ll be back at seven, and we can walk over for breakfast.” He brushes back his hair with his hands. “Think you’ll be ready?”

“I’m ready now,” I say. Tossing the covers back, I get off the couch. I don’t notice that my shorts have risen, showing off my long legs. I’ve been told I have great legs, and they go on for miles. It’s why Victoria’s Secret took me. He looks at me up and down. “I mean, I can be ready in ten minutes.” Running to the bedroom, I slip on my blue capri yoga pants and a sports bra with a midriff black shirt. I grab my sneakers and walk out to see him putting on his boots.

“You have a sweater?” he asks, and I look over at him in a T-shirt.

“Why? It’s warm out.” Sitting on the steps, I put on my socks, then slip on my shoes. Copyright 2016 - 2024