The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires - Grady Hendrix Page 0,82

If the van’s there, you can get a search warrant and see if it links him to these children.”

“No one’s doing anything of the sort,” Leland said.

“I asked him about that,” Ed said. “He told us he did it because he thought all you Old Village ladies didn’t like his van parked in his front yard, bringing down the tone of the neighborhood. Grace, he told me you said it was killing his grass. So he got the Corsica, and put the van in storage because he couldn’t bear to let it go. He’s spending eighty-five dollars a month because he wants to fit in better with the neighborhood.”

“And for that,” Leland said, “you want to drag his name through the mud and accuse him of being a drug dealer.”

“We are men of standing in this community,” Bennett said. His voice carried extra weight because he hadn’t spoken yet. “Our children go to school here, we have spent our lives building our reputations, and y’all were going to make us laughingstocks because you’re a bunch of crazy housewives with too much time on your hands.”

“We’re just asking you to go look at the mini-storage unit,” Grace said, surprising Patricia. “That’s all. Just because you’ve had some drinks with him at the Yacht Club doesn’t mean he’s hammered from purest gold.”

Bennett fixed his eyes on her. His normally friendly face got red.

“Are you arguing with me?” he asked. “Are you arguing with me in public?”

The rage in his voice sucked the air out of the room.

“I think we need to calm down,” Horse said, unsure of himself. “They’re just worried, you know? Patricia’s been through a lot.”

“We’re worried about the children,” Slick said.

“It’s true, Patricia has had some emotional blows recently,” Carter said. “And they’ve shaken her more than even I realized. You may not know this, but just a few weeks ago she accused James Harris of being a child molester. You women have all got fine minds, and I know how hard it is to find intellectual stimulation in a place like this. Add in the morbid books you read in your book club and it’s a perfect recipe for a kind of group hysteria.”

“A book club?” Leland said. “They’re in a Bible study group.”

The room went silent, and then Carter chuckled.

“Bible study?” he said. “Is that what they call it? No, they meet once a month for book club and read those lurid true crime books full of gory murder photographs you see in drugstores.”

Blood drained from the women’s faces. Slick’s hands twisted in her lap, knuckles white. Leland stared at her from across the room. Horse squeezed Kitty’s hand.

“A covenant has been broken,” Leland said. “Between husband and wife.”

“What’s going on?” Korey said from the living room door.

“I told you to stay upstairs!” Patricia snapped, all the humiliation she felt erupting at her daughter.

“Calm down, Patty,” Carter said, then turned to Korey, playing the gentle father figure. “We’re just having an adult conversation.”

“Why’s Mom crying?” Korey asked.

Patricia noticed Blue peering in from the dining room door.

“I’m not crying. I’m just upset,” she said.

“Wait upstairs, honey,” Carter said. “Blue? Go with your sister. I’ll come explain everything later, okay?”

Korey and Blue retreated into the hall. Patricia heard them go up the stairs, too loudly and obviously, and in her head she counted the steps. They stopped before they reached the top and she knew they were sitting on the landing, listening.

“I think everything’s been said that could possibly be said,” Carter pronounced.

“You can’t stop me from going to the police,” Patricia said.

“I can’t stop you, Patty,” Carter said. “But I can inform them that I believe my wife is not in her right mind. Because the first person they’ll call isn’t a judge to get a search warrant; it’ll be your husband. Ed’s made sure of that.”

“You can’t keep sending the police on wild-goose chases,” Ed said.

Carter checked his watch.

“I think the only thing that remains are apologies.” Copyright 2016 - 2024