Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,49

ran through the bedrooms same white linen covered beds and tables. She entered one room realizing the bed had looked slept in. She stepped towards it confused and the door behind her closed. Johanna turned.

“Malcolm?” she was surprised to see him and suddenly felt afraid and wasn’t sure why.

He smiled at her but it didn’t look sweet anymore, it seemed more cunning and his eyes red and baggy, his face pale, as if he hadn’t slept in days.

“I found you,” he said in a whisper.

“What happen to you? Is everything all right?” she asked now noticing the revolver that he held in his grip.

“It is now. I have been riding for days riding ahead of your train. I only made necessary stops so I could save you,” he whispered while he advanced toward her. He leaned in close to her and caressed her hair and then smelled it as if it were a sweet perfume. “Did you miss me?” he asked her.

“Yes,” Johanna afraid of what Malcolm might do with the gun. “What happened to you?” she asked eyes still watching his trigger finger.

“When I met my contact he let me know what Myers was planning, but by the time I came back to save you, you had already escaped. I barely made it out alive,” he now whispering in her ear. “I am so glad you are safe.”

“Did you send the telegram to warn me of danger on the ship?” she asked him.

“What telegram?” he questioned her.

“Who could of it been from?” Johanna’s mind raced trying to think of who would have known of her impending danger.

Johanna didn’t know if she should try to run or run away with him before Jacob and David came looking for her. He continued to caress her. His lips now came gently on her forehead and then her cheeks. It seemed to her he had taken with whiskey, but it wasn’t on his breath. She stood still not making any sudden moves still watching his hand now noticing it shake as if he was shivering from cold. He tried to kiss her lips before she turned her head towards the door, not sure of what to make of the new situation she was in. Malcolm grabbed her chin with his free hand making her look at him.

“Malcolm, what are you doing, you’re hurting me?” she questioned his roughness toward her.

“You have something that belongs to me and I need you to give it to me now,” he stared her down.

“Well, that you will have to wait until we are married,” she came out from his grip.

Malcolm laughed. “I need those military strategies and the map your uncle had you keep for him. I only have three days to return it. Your uncle needs it, its very important.”

“I know Malcolm. You don’t have to worry, I have it here in the house, I brought it,” she felt a little more reassured by his odd behavior. “Where is my uncle? Did he leave word to where I was to go, now that Aunt Mary has left,” she asked worried about her future.

“You have the map too?’ he asked her ignoring her questions.

“Well, I don’t have it on me. Someone else does,” she announced, “And by the way, we have guests downstairs.”

Chapter 21

he is taking too long,” David looked at Jacob annoyed.

“She is very upset,” Jacob said, “give her time.”

“I think something is wrong,” David said and then heard a muffled cry from above. David took off. He skipped stairs while his adrenaline flowed, thoughts raced of what was happening to her. He smashed through the door and Malcolm had his arm around Johanna and a revolver at her temple.

“Let her go Malcolm. This is between you and me,” David insisted.

“Oh yes, this has been about you and me, you and her, her and me,” Malcolm said as he swung the gun back and forth toward Johanna and then at David. “It’s a bit of a lover’s triangle wouldn’t you agree?” he leaned into Johanna kissing her silken hair while keeping the gun pointed now at David.

Johanna mortified by the predicament she found herself in stood in shock.

“I see you have met my fiancée,” he smiled at David. “I know you are familiar with what a fiancée is, right David?”

David stared him down waiting for an opportunity to distract him and grab the revolver out of his shaking hands afraid for Johanna’s safety. She stared at David with fear in her eyes. It affected him more Copyright 2016 - 2024