Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,4


Malcolm didn’t realize how much rum he had until he stood up to walk out towards his horse. His head began to spin. He squinted as he scanned the town and noticed a small inn across the road. He decided that it would be best if he met Johanna in the morning. He felt so good that he began to whistle as he staggered toward the inn. He was interrupted by a sweet voice from behind.

“Hello handsome, are you a soldier here to protect little ole me?” the lady asked.

Malcolm turned to see a beautiful sultry woman in a pastel green dress, lace from head to toe, and his heart began to pound. He smirked as his eyes traced her perfect body. He could see the outline of her full breasts through her dress and was immediately smitten.

“Why, ma’m, you’re going to need someone to protect you from me,” he smiled. The woman blushed as her hungry eyes inspected the handsome soldier.

“Are you going to stay the night there?” she motioned in the direction he was heading. “You must not be from around here. Why don’t you come with me, I know where you can find more comfortable accommodations.”

“No thank you, Miss.” Malcolm declined.

“Well, no self respecting gentleman should stay there, my family owns the mansion on the next street over. Let me escort you there.”

He leaned over and kissed her hand, and grinned. “No thank you. I must leave early in the morning. I have a mission to accomplish. Now what is a beautiful lady like you doing here without an escort?”

“Oh, I am shopping for a new bonnet. There are so many now that we receive shipments from London. I always get the newest in fashion. It’s a way for me to feel pretty and of course to be the envy of all my dear friends,” she giggled.

“Well, I am sure even without the new bonnet you are envied,’ he said.

She smiled a strange shy yet seductive smile at him. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Of course not, just observing,” his head seemed in a cloud. He thought to himself that he definitely shouldn’t have had that last drink. He had no idea where this was heading and wasn’t sure if he should find out. “I’ve never met a lady like you before.”

“And you never will.” She said with her seductive smile and slipped her hand into his as they made there way toward the inn. It was now dark, but the inn lit up before them, a welcoming sight especially for Malcolm whose thoughts were getting fuzzier by the minute.

“Thank you ma’am,” Malcolm was going to kiss her cheek, but she pressed her body to his and kissed him gently on the mouth.

His lips tasted of alcohol, but they were warm, and her skin tingled as they made their way towards her bare shoulders.

Chapter 3

arly in the morning, the fatigued David, Preston, and Jacob came to an opening in the woods. There lay a vast plantation and a Confederate’s home. Jacob and Preston, who fought over the harmonica and the chewing tobacco throughout their trip, were speechless now. Fascinated by the scenery, they deeply inhaled the exhilarating country’s fresh air. David, confused at the sight, motioned the men to halt.

“What’s the problem McPherson?” asked Jacob.

“There’s no one here. It’s desolate. No slaves, no soldiers, it’s not right,” he replied in a hushed tone.

“Do you think it’s a trap? Do they know we’re coming?” Preston asked with concern.

“Well, if it’s a trap, we’re going to be the mice. Let’s go get our cheese.” David said digging his heels into his horse. Preston and Jacob followed behind.

The men vigorously bolted through the front gate.

“Let’s split up,” David ordered.

Each of the men entered from opposite sides of the house. Jacob opened the servants’ entrance door in the back of the mansion. He stepped into the kitchen and found stairs to the cellar and headed down. Preston stepped through the front door with David and made his way toward the stairs to investigate the second floor, while David continued his search on the main floor.

Suddenly, a woman’s scream echoed through the halls. David darted upstairs from where the shriek of terror had come. He grasped the oak railing with clenched fingers to pull himself up the stairs faster.

“Keep your dirty Yankee hands off of me!” Johanna cried recognizing the uniform as she fought to loosen Preston’s tight grip. A glimpse of a handsome figure standing in the room’s doorway made her tremble, Copyright 2016 - 2024