Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,39


“Where have you been?” David asked not really caring but intent on keeping up his charade.

“Did you miss me?” she asked not answering him.

“Of course, no room is quite the same without you in it,” he said really meaning it.

Clarice’s face brightened at his words. She leaned into him whispering, “Why don’t you stop playing and spend some time with me?”

“Unfortunately, I must retire for the evening,” he said as he looked past her toward Johanna who was smiling now at Rene as he held her close.

“Maybe tomorrow you can call on me?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” he said kissing her hand gently.

“Let me walk you to the door,” she smiled as she took his hand in hers.

“Thank you, I would like that,” he lied.

Johanna was still dancing with Rene when the music abruptly stopped. She and Rene’s attention went toward David kissing Clarice’s hand and them walking out hand in hand.

Johanna’s face went pale. Rene then grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him so they were face to face.

“You are my Archilles’ heel, you know that, Johanna? I am enjoying your company more than I would like to admit,” he smiled and then kissed her on the cheek.

Johanna smiled at Rene’s words and then looked at Abigail who was in awe of Johanna’s circumstance, her eyes getting bigger every second.

“I will be right back, I have something for you,” Rene said and then walked away.

Johanna walked over to Abigail who was sitting on the couch next to her husband. Abigail mesmerized by Rene’s affection toward Johanna.

“Oh stop it, Abigail. He has won you over, but not me, this is part of his little game with women,” Johanna insisted.

“It’s a great game from where I am sitting,” Abigail laughed.

“I must speak with Mr. McPherson before he goes. I just don’t know how I am going to get him away from Clarice,” Johanna frowned and then exited the room.

Abigail looked at her husband, “I don’t know how anyone could get their man away from Clarice.”

# # #

When Johanna went toward the drawing room she was cut off by Clarice.

“I just don’t get him. He never goes for women beneath him,” Clarice stared Johanna down.

“Whom are you speaking of?” Johanna confused by her words.

“Rene of course, charity I would say was never his strong suit. He must have felt desperate this evening. His standards in women have taken quite a dive,” Clarice said trying to insult Johanna as much as she could.

“How dare you,” Johanna held her ground. “Is this about Rene or are you upset over Mr. McPherson?”

“How do you know him?” Clarice demanded an answer.

“I know that he is not who he portrays,” Johanna announced.

“You are so naïve, still after all these years, you still underestimate me,” Clarice grinned.

“I know that you can never be trusted, especially when it comes to men,” explained Johanna now irritated.

“Are you still harboring resentment towards me for your lost love?” asked Clarice.

“No Clarice. I have made my peace with that a long time ago. You can’t help if you are so insecure that you can’t find love without stealing someone else’s,” said Johanna as she stared her down.

“I can’t steal anything that doesn’t want to be stolen,” she laughed. “He pursued me. They all pursue me.”

“You seem to make yourself available to all, but never to one, why is that?” Johanna asked. “Is it because you know deep down if the men stayed around long enough they would know how awful you really are?”

Johanna didn’t wait for an answer and headed back into the parlor.

“We are leaving,” Abigail said as she gave Johanna a hug.

“I am sorry to hear that,” said Johanna.

“Did you find him?” whispered Abigail.

“No, I did run into Clarice once again,” Johanna smiled.

“Lovely,” Abigail smiled back.

“Where is everyone off to?” Rene asked walking into the room with a wrapped gift.

“Thank you for a very entertaining evening,” said John as he shook Rene’s hand and smiled big toward Johanna.

“I am glad you enjoyed yourself,” Rene laughed understanding.

John and Abigail left leaving Johanna alone once again with Rene.

“What do you have there?” Johanna asked Rene who was still holding the gift.

“For you,” he said handing it to her. “It’s a small reminder of our time together here.”

Johanna opened an intricate glass globe inside sat the city of New Orleans covered in snow. “Thank you, this is beautiful,” she smiled up at him.

Rene leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I am glad you like it,” he smiled back.

Johanna went to her Copyright 2016 - 2024