Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,25

the ball,” Mary Alice relayed what she overheard. “There seems to be some talk of conspiracy and it was too dangerous for him to reach Charleston.”

“That lying…” Johanna headed toward the stairs.

“Fight! Fight! There are two soldiers fighting in the foyer!” A young cadet yelled out to his schoolmates.

Everyone stopped dancing and headed to see the added entertainment. “Who are they?” another cadet asked.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Johanna stopped dead in front of the two men throwing punches at each other. There before her was David and Malcolm acting like school kids with one knocked to the floor and the other shoved into the door. It was broken up by cadets who were standing by, both men bloodied from their battle.

Mary Alice came behind Johanna, “Which one do you choose? I would definitely take Rene, less mess to clean up.”

# # #

After David and Malcolm’s encounter everyone returned to the party. The orchestra continued to play and guests returned to their rightful places which included dancing, gossiping and drinking.

Before David stepped out of the parlor he was approached again by Malcolm. What David did not know is Malcolm had seen Johanna watching them carefully by the door.

Malcolm used her eavesdropping on their conversation to his advantage.

“I just want to know one thing?” asked Malcolm holding his hands up in retreat.

David stared him down not sure if he should trust him. He was on guard in case Malcolm was going to sucker punch him when he wasn’t ready.

“What is that?” David asked.

“Do you love Miss Lee?” asked Malcolm loud enough for her to hear.

“Absolutely not,” denied David. “I will do anything I can for my mission, and that includes pretending my affections.”

“Does she think you love her,” asked Malcolm.

“Well, if she does she is mistaken,” said David. “I am not marrying anyone. As soon as this mission is over, I will be free to go home. Johanna is just a means to an end. Frankly, I don’t know how anyone would want to marry her. Her family is disgraceful. Her parents are in Paris completely ruined and her uncle is becoming a traitor to our country. How could anyone think she is good for marrying?”

“I see,” said Malcolm smiling in triumph.

Johanna’s face went white and her heart sank. He didn’t love her. He was appalled by her and her family. These were all things that she had to swallow in five seconds. Ten seconds ago she might have followed him to the ends of the earth. She now had to accept that he had been deceiving her in so many ways. She had to run. She had to get out of the house, get out of the city, she had to disappear and find her family once and for all.

David walked into the ballroom and saw Johanna’s friend standing with other young girls laughing. Mary Alice looked up at him in surprise as he walked toward her.

“Perhaps you could direct me to Miss Lee?” He asked in a serious tone, wiping blood from his lip.

“I…don’t know where she went,” Mary Alice felt his strong presence intimidating. “She ran off after I told her that her uncle had never made it to Charleston.”

“You didn’t?” David frustrated his bluff was revealed, “I need to find her now. Will you help me?”

“Sure,” she tried to smile. She didn’t know why she was helping him. She knew nothing about him, but he was gorgeous, and if he wanted Johanna that was enough for her. She figured Johanna would be thanking her at their wedding. That made her smile widen. Mary Alice and David searched the party to no avail.

# # #

“I seem to keep running into you Miss Lee,” Rene smiled.

“Are you following me Mr. Beauregard?” Johanna looked up into his handsome face.

“I just wanted to be near in case you fainted again,” he jabbed.

“Very funny,” she smirked.

Concerned he asked, “Are you leaving so soon?”

“Yes, I think I am ready to retire for the night. This girl belongs home with a good book in her hand sitting next to a quiet fireplace.”

“A good book, you would rather be at home reading a book than being at the Beauregard’s ball?” Rene asked appalled.

“You could say that,” smiled Johanna.

“Well, I have a problem with you leaving my party,” stated Rene.

“Oh. I am sorry. And why is that?” asked Johanna.

“Well, because I have not got my chance to dance with the most beautiful girl here. You are ruining my reputation. You wouldn’t want that now Copyright 2016 - 2024