Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,23

of the question. I would like to get some fresh air, if you don’t mind. I will join you in a minute,” she smiled at both men as she headed toward the small balcony.

“I shall meet you in the ballroom then,” smiled Malcolm with a slight bow. Then he turned to Rene grabbing his arm leading him to the ballroom. “Let’s go Rene. No way am I leaving you alone with Miss Lee again.”

Chapter 9

ohanna stepped out into the small balcony adjacent to the drawing room. She just needed to clear her head. What was she doing? She knew she could never let that passion between her and David ignite again. She had to stay away from him. His presence was too strong. She felt helpless every time he stood near her.

“If I just keep my distance I shall be fine. Just keep my distance and don’t look at him. Yes, I will not look at him,” she insisted. Those green eyes melted her. That was the key, if she just didn’t look into his intense gaze. “If I don’t look I won’t be tempted,” she told herself.

“My kiss does make the ladies swoon.” David came out of the darkened corner of the balcony. Johanna froze.

“I actually thought I was going to be sick.” She clammed back at him.

“Uh huh,” he smiled.

Johanna was determined not to look at him. She tried to measure. “If I stay three feet, no five feet from him, I will be fine.”

“Is it your goal to kiss a different girl in each room?” she asked still upset with him about Clarice.

“If you so desire, I will go room to room with you,” David smiled.

“How dare you,” Johanna said appalled.

David laughed at her anger.

“You took advantage of me,” she said.

“And how did I do that?” he asked.

“I don’t know you just did,” she said.

“You didn’t stop me, at least not right away,” David smiled watching her frustration rise.

“I was confused, I am confused,” she said. “You just shouldn’t have done that. You have not been kind to me.”

“I haven’t been kind to you? I think it is you who left me for dead,” he reminded her.

“I guess that bump didn’t knock any sense into you,” Johanna continued. “You have got to be mad! You kidnap me, hold my uncle by gunpoint, and you expect me to be nice to you? You are the one who hasn’t any manners. You have no idea how to treat a lady.”

“You are a prisoner of war, not a lady I am courting,” said David.

“There isn’t a war.” Johanna snapped back.

“There will be,” insisted David.

“What makes you think I won’t let everyone here know right now whose side you’re really on?” Johanna threatened.

“Because you would never forgive yourself if something happened to the man you love,” he said.

“You mean my uncle?” she questioned. He wasn’t talking about her uncle.

“You’re coming with me now,” David gently but firmly pulled her toward the ballroom and through the crowd of cadets and ladies. Johanna looked around for someone she might know, but it seemed everyone was too busy to notice her and David.

“I can’t leave with you, what will people say?” Johanna whispered.

“Whatever do you mean?” David asked.

“If I leave here with you unescorted, people will assume we are to be engaged,” she explained as they continued through the crowded ballroom.

“Engaged? Are you insane? To… be… married?” David asked in confusion.

“Is there any other kind?” They both stopped.

“Do you know how frustrating you are?” David said becoming agitated.

“Oh I do so loathe you!” Johanna said frustrated.

“Loathe me? Such harsh words coming from you Miss Lee,” David frustrated now.

“You come here and threaten me and my uncle and you think I should not?” Johanna whispers get louder.

David laughs, “Alright, then why don’t you get your friend there to come with you.”

“Oh, Clarice is not enough. You want to kiss Mary Alice too? I will not drag her into this,” Johanna bit her lip.

“Oh, this is all about Clarice,” David smirked at her comment.

“Have you not promised to be in engaged to her this very evening?” Johanna asked.

“Now I am engaged to her?” David even more confused.

“That is what she is telling everyone,” Johanna now back to a whisper.

“That I am to be engaged to her?” David questioned.

“Well, she didn’t say you by name, but said it was a new soldier,” Johanna beginning to realize she is now gossiping.

“So you assumed that it was me?” David now annoyed.

“Well, after I found you two embracing on the Copyright 2016 - 2024